pt 2

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Finding A Name

It's been a solar cycle and all the Vehicons got their new schedule. The ones who dread the thought of taking care of the sparkling were the ones who had that day on the same week. And the unfortunate soul was a drone known as T4-R63. He retrieve the sparkling from the original drone who found her and went to start his day with the child.

"Let's see, what should we do today?" he asked, knowing that no one will answer him.

The sparkling look around, as though looking for something that will entertain her. T4-R63 felt weird holding the child, he didn't even know if he was holding her right! Then he began to think.

That drone didn't give her a name. Nor did our boss.

He look at her. "You don't have a name."

The sparkling look up him and he thought he saw sadness in her optics. He scratched his head in thought. "What should we name you? Pit, I don't have any ideas. Maybe the other drones might have some ideas. But most of them are working. Maybe during recharge time. But until then, what should we do?"


T4-R63 decided to go outside, an area that wasn't in the heat of battle and decided to let the sparkling to roam around. He put her down on the cool floor and watched her. She looked around and began to crawl down the destroyed road. The sparkling didn't find anything entertaining so she just crawled around, A wind passed by and some pebbles-rocks began to roll pass by her. She stared after them and she began to laugh and crawl after them. T4-R63 was pretty surprised to see how fast she crawled after them. He had to follow her to make sure she wouldn't go too far. But when he look back at the base, he noticed that they were pretty far off.

T4-R63 pick up the sparkling though she began to squirm a lot, showing him that she wants to chase the pebbles some more. "Sorry kiddo but it's time to head back."

She pouted a bit but then her stomach grumbled a bit and she had a sour look on her face.

"I'm guessing you're hungry. Come on, let's get you a bite to eat."


Instead of liquefying the Energon, he made it more like an apple sauce substance. She was real excited to see the Energon and she couldn't wait to eat it. But T4-R63 felt REALLY uncomfortable sitting at the lounge, feeding a sparkling with a spoon, and having your brethren watching you as they walk pass by. But they didn't snicker or laugh at the sight, instead they just ignore mostly.

I guess they too will be feeding her like this sooner or later.

He took a spoonful and put it close to her lips. She opened her mouth wide and he put the spoon into her mouth. He slowly pull it out, making sure that she had the Energon in her mouth. But some began to ran down her lips to her chin.

"Eww! Don't do that. Keep the Energon in your mouth." He used the spoon and scrape the Energon and put it back into her mouth. This time it didn't spill out. She swallowed and clap her hands in joy. T4-R63 got another spoonful and she chomp down and swallow the Energon. The nearby drones stared at their fellow drone feeding the sparkling. They tried to imagine themselves feeding her the same way or playing with her or making her sleep. They never thought they'll see the day that they'll take care a sparkling.

The sparkling ate everything in the bowl and she was full. She look kind of drowsy but a bit ill but T4-R63 didn't pay any much attention, just thinking that she's just breaking down the Energon. He pick her up and left the dining room. As he walk down the hall, still wondering what to do next, the sparkling had a painful look on her face. Her stomach hurt a lot and she began to cry. T4-R63 pulled his head away from her because his ears began to ring in pain.

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