pt 1

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One survivor

It's been so many ano-cycle since the war began and most of the planet has be destroyed. Both sides we heavily damaged but the Decepticons slightly had the upper hand. Warriors were constantly fighting or spying while the civilians had no place for protection so it was a hit and run for them. Most of them were killed when they accidentally ran into a shooting or killed by Decepticons (if they were Autobots). Practical all of the Decepticons were warriors and not civilians so they can make a stand. But of course not all survive the attacks that Autobots threw at them.

After a long battle in an area that hasn't been claimed by either side, the Decepticons have won that small shooting. Sure, there was heavy casualties on both sides but the Decepticons were able to achieve victory. Vehicons were patrolling the area, making sure there weren't any surviving Autobots. So far, there was no sign of life but that didn't mean they let their guard down.

After wandering the destroyed landscape for so many groons, they decide to report their patrol to Lord Megatron and Commander Starscream and return to base. As they were getting ready to leave, one of the Vehicons heard crying a few yards away. It was faint but he did heard it. He stood there for a few more nano-cycle and he heard the crying again and he got a good clear on where it was coming from. He began to follow where the cries came from and ended up standing in front of a huge pile of rubble. It must have been once a home. The cries came again and it was much louder. He began to dig.

Nearby Vehicons noticed him digging the rubble up and went up to him.

"What are you doing soldier?" A deep voiced Vehicon asked the digging one.

"I heard crying and I was just wondering what could be causing it. It may be a survivor."

The standing Vehicons looked at one another and stared back at the digging one. After a few cycles of digging and clawing his way, a little green light pear through the darkness. He stared at it and it moved! It was an optic. He dug faster and a white face was revealed. It was a sparkling and her optics stared up at the Vehicon. The other Vehicon were astonished to see a sparkling alive. But it began to cry again, showing that it was impatience and wanted to get out right away. He pushed the other rubble away and the sparkling was finally freed. But another thing surprised the Vehicons.

The sparkling was in the arms of her creator, or spark-mother. But the spark-mother was dead.

The rescuer just stared at the sparkling but a few nano-cycle, he finally unwrapped the creator's arms and picked her up. He awkwardly cradled her into his arms and looked at his fellow Vehicons.

"What should we do?" Was all he said to them.

The other Vehicons didn't have any ideas in what to do with the abandon sparkling. But the only thing that popped into all of their processor was to contact Lord Megatron.


It was very unpleasant feeling carrying a sparkling and walking through Kaon and having every Decepticon looking at you. That's how the Vehicon rescuer felt. And he also felt embarrassed. The sparkling was now asleep but she looked weak and dirty with scrapes and scratches all over her protoform body. Truth to be told, the Vehicon was quite worried because he didn't know if the sparkling was okay or not.

The small group of Vehicon finally reached the command center and prepared for whatever might come at them. The door slid open and there was more Vehicons inside, along with Starscream, Soundwave, and Megatron.

"The troops have reported that there are no survivors. As you can see with this image display." Starscream said as he pointed to Soundwave's screen of a face. Soundwave showed Megatron the landscape of the battle field, it was practically destroyed. Megatron smirked evilly but the small group of Vehicons caught his blood red optics and his full attention was on them now.

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