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"Okay okay Alfie, its your turn." Em says. "Truth or Dare?" She adds on.

We've been playing truth or dare for hours and in the past few hours we've heard the most embarrassing confessions and the sickest dares.

"Truth" Alfie says confidently. "I pick truth."

"Okay I've got a good one." Marcus says trying to come up with a good question "Who among the girls would you date?"

Alfie's cheeks immediately turned red "Uhmmm"

"Uhmmm??" We return back waiting for his response.

"Uhmmm I.......I'd have to say....."


"IhavetosayI'ddatezoe??"He says

We all laugh as Alfie and Zoe's cheeks turn bright red.

"ZALFIE IS REAL" I scream as everyone laughs and joins in teasing them.

"Next one's for Finn" Joe says "Truth or Daaaare??" He asks in a really creepy tone.

"Dare." He replies bravely.

"Dare you say???" Joe says with a mischievous grin plastered on his face. He looks at the rest of the guys and they nod in unison.

"Ladies, please close your eyes." Will says. We all look at him with confusion in our faces. Especially Finn.

"Wait....What?? No." Niomi protests.

" Yeah, And exactly WHY would we do that??" Tanya adds.

"It's for Finn's dare. Now just do it." Will says.

All of us hesitantly closed our eyes because who the hell knows what these people got up in their sleeve.

"Okay, Here's the dare. Finn, We dare you to kiss the girl you'd rather be with for the rest of your life."

"What is she's no-"

"Here. In this room." Will cuts him off.

"I'm gonna regret this." He says while debating on whether he plans to stand up or not.

I felt him stand up from where he originally sat in and started walking. As soon as he stood up my heart started beating faster and faster. I don't like him but hold up, Do I??? No. Of Course not. I don't know. Maybe? Argh.

'Like yeah as if he'd choose me' I tried to tell myself but it didn't work. My heart beat faster and faster. I felt him walk to the right near Em's place right beside me . 'Well duh, of course he'd choose Emerald. She's tall and pretty and-' I tell myself till I felt a pair of lips on my cheek. Wait. What?

I open my eyes to see Finn, cheeks burning red as he walks back to his place. I sat there frozen. He just kissed me. Finn Harries kissed me.😳

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He kissed her. AKAJSKAVZKABSHJSHSHSJSHBSAKHAKANAHAHJAAHJAJZAHSJAHAHANVSIZHAHSHSHSH There goes a new chapter for y'all. I also finally finally finally got to pick out a new story cover!! Yay!! <3

This story btw is in collaboration with bdlandsjgs . If you wanna read Em's POV or see another side of the story then you should go check her story out. It's a Joe Sugg Fanfic :>

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