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It was 12:30 am as we heard the Captain speaking. We've finally arrived London!!! We proceeded to have our passports checked and got our luggages from the baggage counter area (I honestly have no idea on what they call it so let's go with that).

As we go to the "Arrivals" area, we were greeted by screams from what I assume we're mine and Emerald's fans. They were holding "Welcome to London!!" Posters. Em and I decided to stop and take photos with our fans. After which we took a cab to our hotel and checked in.

As soon as we got to the room, We immediately ran and plopped down on our beds. After a while, we took turns in the restroom and changed into our pj's

"Let's go get some sleep, we've got a busy day tomorrow" Em said

At that, we slept. Tomorrow was gonna be a busy day.


I woke up to two voices that were very familiar to me.

"WAKE UP" Zoe basically screamed at my ears

"How'd you guys get in here?" I said half asleep.

"I let them in." Em said getting out of the bathroom. "Now get dressed or we'll leave you."

I stood up and walked to the bathroom to get dressed.

I took a shower and wore a white cardigan, a black tank top with floral shorts and my white converse to match.  We were gonna be apartment hunting today so I figured I'd dress up comfortably since we'll be walking most of the time.


Before hunting, we've decided to have brunch at some place Zoe suggested.

"So you guys have to get ready for tonight." Tanya excitedly says as she takes a bite of her lasagna.

"What's gonna happen??" Em and I ask them with a confused look on our faces.

"We'll have dinner." Zoe says. "We'll introduce you two to some of our closest friends and fellow youtubers."

"Who are they?" I ask.

"Well if you wanna find out, you'll just have to see for yourself tonight." Tanya says with a grin.

We've decided to postpone the hunting and go shopping instead. We've spent the rest of the day looking for clothes to wear for tonight's dinner. After much searching, I've decided to go for a grayish cropped sweater, a black skirt, stockings and brown boots. I also wore a scarf since I figured it'll be chilly later on. <pic above>

We've decided to head back 2 hours before the dinner to get dressed and ready.

As soon as we got back, I did my makeup, curled my hair and got dressed in my newly bought clothes.

We then went down to the lobby and waited for Tanya and Zoe to come pick us up.

The two arrived looking like gorgeous. Zoe was wearing a simple blacked dress  embellished with gold studs with black boots and a clutch while Tanya was wearing a striped top, a black skirt and boots and a scarf.

We drove to a nearby restaurant. The waitress led us to our table. It was occupied by 10 unfamiliar faces.

"These are the twins, Jack and Finn. This is Joe, Caspar, Alfie, Jim, Marcus, Oli, Niomi and Louise." Tanya says as she points and introduces us to each one of them. "Everyone, this is Lia Taylor and Emerald Williams."

We exchanged greetings and shook our hands all one by one and took a seat.

I took a seat beside one of the twins who I'm guessing is Finn?? Jack?? Heck I don't know.

"Hi, I'm Finn."



Yay!!! They finally met!!! I'm sorry this took a while to create
:( The past few weeks have been really hectic especially in school so yaa

This story btw is in collaboration with bdlandsjgs . If you wanna read Em's POV or see another side of the story then you should go check her story out. It's a Joe Sugg Fanfic :>

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