Fact #47: Dreadful Disney Pt 3

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No! No, just stop! screams the children who don't want their childhood ruined.

Too bad!

8. Hunchback of Notre Dame

Victor Hugo's original sees Quasimodo betraying Esmeralda after she refuses to love him, which leads to her being hanged in the square. He feels bad, though, and lies with her corpse until he dies of starvation. Their bodies are found 18 months later, and when an attempt is made to separate them, Quasimodo's bones turn to dust. The world is cruel and wicked, indeed.

9. Pocahontas

Pocahontas was a real person, and her life was kind of . She kinda hated John Smith, who pretty much lied about everything that happened between them. She was also kidnapped, held hostage for a year, renamed Rebecca, paraded around as a propaganda tool, and then died at age 21. And then her grave was destroyed. But isn't "Colors of the Wind" a great song?

10. Alice in Wonderland

Lewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland as a scathing on new controversial mathematic concepts, like imaginary numbers (you know, those things we learned about in high school). Carroll was super conservative and old school, and thought you'd have to be on drugs to believe in such advanced concepts.

11. Peter Pan

In J.M. Barrie's novel, Peter kills the Lost Boys when they get too old: "The boys on the island vary, of course, in numbers, according as they get killed and so on; and when they seem to be growing up, which is against the rules, Peter thins them out." Dude, Peter. That's rude.

12.The Princess and the Frog

In the version of The Frog Prince fairy tale, the frog's curse is broken when the princess hurls him against a wall. In some versions, the frog's head is chopped off or his skin is burned. Why any of these acts would break a curse over a simple kiss is anyone's guess.

A/N: HEY GUYS! Merry Christmas!! Hope you got all you wanted!

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p.s. If you don't want to read all of them, you can skip to Fact #1, and then read through them all, if you like, which you will, because, duh, I wrote it.

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