Fact #82: Life = Affordable

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So, I have no doubt that you've heard the saying that life is precious, and priceless.

Well....Not so true.

Your life can have numbers to them.

To insurance companies, your life is typically worth $50,000, so not all that much, right? So if treatment cost over 50K for a better life, say no, since your life isn't worth over 50K.

BUT, insurance companies value life, more than hitmen value life. An average gun for hire costs $13,000. And that's how much your life is worth to them.

If you SELL your body in parts, you'll make over $500,000, but...you'll be dead. That's how much a family receives for giving a life to the US military.

A single sperm is worth a $100, and an egg is worth $10,000. But you pay more for IVY league schools sperm.

The Department of Transportation puts a value on life as well. $9.1 million.

How do you value life?

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p.s. If you don't want to read all of them, you can skip to Fact #1, and then read through them all, if you like, which you will, because, duh, I wrote it.

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