Fact #94: The Cup Is Half-Empty

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The half-empty half-full philosophy is meant to show if you are an optimist or a pessimist, but there is a way you can be neither. 

You can be a realist.

The cup of water (or any other liquid) is made of molecules, and what are molecules made of? Atoms.

And what are atoms made of?

Neutrons, electrons and protons, with a nucleus in the center.

But what is between electrons and the rest of the atom? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

99% to be exact.

And so if the atom is mostly nothing, then the molecule is mostly nothing, which means the liquid is mostly nothing, which means the cup is mostly nothing.

So the answer is not half-empty of half-full; it's even less!

And remember that next time someone asks you this question.

Be smart!

Keep reading for more useless facts!

1+ a day!


p.s. If you don't want to read all of them, you can skip to Fact #1, and then read through them all, if you like, which you will, because, duh, I wrote it.

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