Chapter 26

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Perrie's POV... 6 months later...

"Time to get up!" My mother awoke me. I groaned in response.

"Oh come on now, you wouldn't want to be late for your wedding, now would you?"

Today is the day of my wedding.

I got up and rubbed my eyes. "I have pancakes waiting for you downstairs. The other girls are eating them downstairs" She told me. When she mentioned food my stomach grumbled loudly.

I got up and followed her out of the room. I was greeted by my 4 best friends talking with each other.

"Hey Pez! Ready for the big day?" Katherine asked me

"Yup" I said.

"I thought you would've been more enthused. Last night you were practically bouncing off the walls" Jade said

"I just woke up. Give me some time" I said and shoved so pancakes in my mouth

When we finished eating, my mom drug me into my room and started on my hair. She was really good at doing hair so of course i let her.

An hour later, when she finished my hair, it looked perfect.

"Ya know honey, I remember when Zayn came to mine and your dads house to ask us if he could marry you. Me and your father both agreed as well as Jonnie." She started tearing up "He told us he told you that he was going to Sweden just to keep it a surprise."

"I know, mum. He told me"

"I know sweetie, im just so happy for you" She said as she wiped away some of the tears

"Thanks mum" I said and we shared a nice hug. "Im nervous" I admitted

"You'll be fine hunny" She reassuringly smiled at me

I nodded and she left.

"Hey Chicky" Katherine came in and said. "Make up time" I smiled and sat back down on the chair

"Jesy has your dress in her room." She told me. I nodded and closed my eyes as she started on my eyes

The make up took around 45 minutes to perfect and boy did i look good.

"Thank you" I hugged her

"No problem" She said. "Remember the first day we met? Back in preschool"

"Who knew just by sharing a snack everyday, we would become this close of friends" I said thinking back to that day

"I know." She laughed "Go to Jesy's room and get dressed." She ordered "Speaking of getting dressed, i still have to"

I nodded and headed to Jesy's room. I knocked on the door and a few seconds later the door opened revealing a gorgeous Jesy. Her, Jade, Leigh-Anne, and Katherine are my maid of honors. They will be walking down the isle with the boys. Eleanor and Dani aren't in it sadly. They couldn't take the time off from work and school for dress fittings and all. Which in all honesty is fine. Im glad my 4 best friends are in it.

"You look gorgeous, Jesy" I said. They're dresses resemble mine but shorter. It's knee length and has a light blue ribbon running across the waist of the dress and 1 inch length straps over their shoulders. The rest of the dress was white.

"Aww thanks Pez" She said "I have your dress right here" She grabbed it off her bed and handed it to me

I happily took it and went back to my room. I stripped from my clothes and stepped into the dress.

It's floor length and has a matching light blue ribbon across the waist like the other girls' dress but it's strapless. The reason why it's blue is because me and Zayn's favorite colour is blue.

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