Chapter 6

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Perrie's POV...

I shot up in bed breathing heavily.

Thank god it was just a dream.

"Perrie, you okay?" Zayn asked as he sat up in bed besides me.

"Yeah. It was just a nightmare" I told him. I looked at the clock and it was 4:27am. Another long night for me. I climbed out of bed and started heading towards the door when i was stopped by something on my arm. I looked down to see a hand and looked up and saw Zayn standing there. i was relieved at first. After that nightmare, i thought it was someone else

"Are you sure you're okay? I can stay up with you" He said

"Zayn, im fine. Go back to bed you look very tired" I said.

He nodded and kissed my cheek then went back to bed.

I quietly sighed and went to the kitchen to make another cup of tea. It should be maybe 10 or so in the morning where the girls are so i desided to call Jade to see how things were.

*Ring Ring*

"Hello?" I heard Jade on the end of the line

"Hey Jade!"

"Isn't it like 4 am there or something?" She asked

"4:30 actually but whateves. I just want to know how everyone is doing down there"

"So you call now?"

"Yup." I said poppin the p

"Well..err..fine i guess. How about you and Zayn?" She quickly said

"Jade. What's wrong?" I asked concerningly


"Jade." I said sternly

"I swear Perrie. Everything is fine!"

"Okay then..." I trailed off

"So how have you been?" She asked


"Another nightmare?"

I sighed. "Yes"

"It's okay Pezza. They have to stop eventually"

"I hope so" I mumbled into the phone.

"Anyways Perrie, I have to go. Bye!" She said

"Bye" I said and hung up. I wonder what she has to do. Oh well

A little music should do, i thought. I grabbed my phone and put my earbuds in. I scrolled through songs untill i stopped on "Kiss Me" by Ed Sheeran. I picked it because it was a very calming song and maybe it can put me to sleep.

The music started playing. Halfway through the song i felt very tired. My eyelids were drooping and i couldn't hold them up any more. The song came to an end and i felt myself drifting off into sleep land.

That was untill i heard a phone ring. I groaned and got up to see who was calling. It was Zayns phone and the number was unknown. Who the actual hell would be calling at this time of day? Oh wait. I just got off the phone...

I was thinking about answering it but just left it. It got done ringing and a waited a few minutes to see if they would call again. I lied back on the couch and continued with my music untill i fell asleep.

Zayn's POV...

I woke up to the warm sun shining in my face. It felt nice. I realized Perrie wasn't in bed, then the memories of last night came back. I got up and walked into the kitchen to make some food.

I was actually surprised when i looked into the living room to see Perrie asleep laying there. I walked in and grabbed her phone out of her hand and took the ear buds that were in her ears out. i looked at what song was playing. Stay by Rhianna was shown on the screen.

I put the phone down and walked into the kitchen to make food. I saw my phone lying there on the counter. I picked it up and saw a missed call from and unknown number. The time that they called was around 4:30. Perrie should've heard it since she was up.

I put the phone back down and made some french toast. I realized we are leaving tomorrow afternoon. Wow. This trip went by fast. But im glad that i get to see the boys' soon.

When i was done making breakfast, Perrie came in. I chuckled at her and she questioned me.

"You look cute" I said and kissed her on the cheek.

"Thanks" She said sarcastically. Her hair was everywhere and she actually looked adorable.

I set a plate of french toast down infront of her and made a plate for me and sat down across from her at the table.

"So, you know we're leaving tomorrow?" I asked making a conversation

"Yeah. Im going to miss this place." She said

"Me too. I had fun" I said

"Thank you Zayn. I had a really good time here."

"No problem. I just figured we needed a vacation from everything. Especially for you" I said

"I would've been fine with going to Italy and eating a plate of lasagna." She joked. "But i really do appreciate all this" She said.

"I love you Per. And maybe next vacation we can go there" I winked at her

"I love you too Zayn" She laughed

A few minutes later, she got up from the table and dashed off. I sat there startled by her actions and then got up when i heard puking noises.

I walked in and saw her hunched over the toilet coughing and puking up food. I quickly grabbed her hair and held it back for her.

After she was done, she grabbed her tooth brush and started brushing her teeth. When she was done with that she turned around to face me.

"Im sorry you had to witness that" She said sheepishly and looked down.

"Perrie, it's okay. But do you know why you threw up?" I asked

"I don't know. It felt like this last night and when i woke up this morning" She said

"Oh. Well do you feel better?"

"Yup" She said and smiled at me reassuringly. I nodded and we walked out of the bathroom.

"So what do you want to do today?" She asked

"I fancy a stroll" I said. She nodded and walked into the bedroom to get changed. When she was done i got changed and we left.


Ahahaha! See, it was just a dream! ;)

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