Chapter 10

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Perrie's POV...

I got a text from Eleanor asking if i wanted to hang out. She's been acting kinda crazy lately. She says somethings wrong with me but im pretty sure there isn't. I would know.

She's picking me up in about 5 minutes. I guess we're going shopping.

Jade left a half an hour ago. She seemed a little worried. I'll have to talk to her later tonight.

There was a knock on the door. I opened it and El was standing there. "Ready?"

"I guess" I said

She grabbed my hand and shoved me in the car.

"How are you feeling?" She asked

"A little tired." I answered truthfully "You?"



"Because we're going shopping silly! I love shopping!" She patted my head.

"Isn't this Louis' car? He doesn't like you driving it.." I said

"I had to beg for it. He said he could of drove us but i didn't want him with us. So tomorrow me and him are doing god knows what" She laughed. "Oh ya know Jade came over earlier?"

"She did?" I asked. Why would she-ohh...

"Yeah. Her and Harry have been getting close..."

"Yeah. I asked her if anything was going on between them and she said no so...i don't know. Plus, she did have a worried look on her face when she left."

"I noticed something was up when she came in. Harry practically drug her through the house"

"What do you think is going on?"

"I honestly don't know. Ever since that morning you, Dani, and I hung out Harry's been acting...different..." She said as we pulled into the mall "He won't really talk to anyone. He isn't himself anymore" She sighed

"We have to find out what's wrong. Maybe Jade knows?" I thought. She has been with him the most. Maybe she has an idea.

We walked inside and looked around some stores until we got hungry.

"What do you want to eat?" El asked me

"Im craving fried rice with ketchup" I said right away.

El turned to look at me with a face full of disgust. "Umm..What?"

"Yeah" I shrugged.

"Well i guess we'll go get some Chinese takeout." I smiled at her and we exited the mall.

We got to the Chinese place and ordered. The lady said it would be out in 15 minutes.

"I've never heard of fried rice with ketchup..." El said. I think it was meant for just her to hear but i heard.

"Well neither have I!"

"Then why did you get it?"

"I don't know! It sounded good!"

"That's disgusting" She yelled a little too loud. Everyone turned to look at us. I mentally face palmed.

"Way to go, El" I said. She hit my arm and laughed.

A few minutes later our food came. We payed the lady and left with the food in a bag.

We drove back to Louis and Eleanors place.

"LOUIS IM HOME!" Eleanor screamed in the house. Unfortunately, it was right in my ear.

"NOW THAT IM DEAF! THANK YOU SO MUCH ELEANOR!" I screamed in her face.

Picking Up the Pieces ~Zerrie~Where stories live. Discover now