Chapter 14

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Jade's POV....

I talked to Harry last night after Perrie mentioned to me that they have some signing to do.

He said that Zayn only told Perrie that because he was doing something for her and Harry doesn't know what Zayn is doing.

Harry also said that him and Zayn got into a Little fight about that. I told him to not worry about it and we can do it some other time. I was looking forward to tonight but if it's something important then it can wait. Especially if Perrie is involved.

"Hey did you talk to Harry last night?" Perrie asked as she came down the stairs

"Yeah he told me that there was a signing and that he totally forgot about it. So we're going out some other time"

"Okay. So what were you going to do tonight?" She asked

"Im not sure.."

"Well im going out with Eleanor and Dani today. If you want you can come" She offered

"Nah. I'll just hang out here" I said

"Okay. She said then left"

Perrie's been acting a little different lately. It's hard to tell but if you really look you can sense something is up. She's been fidgeting around with her fingers and things.

Perrie's POV...

I left the house and got into my car and drove off. I can't stand not being able to tell Jade about my pregnancy. Obviously i was going to soon. I was actually planning on telling everyone at the big sleep over.

I arrived at Louis and El's house. I walked up to the door and knocked

I was greeted by a sleepy Louis

"Oh hey Perrie. What's up?"

"Is Eleanor here? We were planning to hang out today"

"Uh yeah i'll go tell her you're here. Come in" I stepped in and sat down on the couch

"Um..aren't you supposed to be going to Sweden today?" I asked

"What?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows together

"Yeah..Zayn said you guys had a signing to do there."

"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure we're not scheduled for anything until tomorrow and that's an interview at 4pm"

"Well Zayn said.." I stopped. "Even Harry said that!" I raised my voice

"Im sorry Perrie but i honestly don't think we're going to Sweden today. Liam would've been over here earlier to make sure i had everything" Just then Eleanor came in

"Hey Perrie" She smiled

"Hi" I mumbled

Louis came to give me a quick hug. "Don't sweat it. He's probably planning a date or something" He whispered in my ear. I sighed and nodded. He gave Eleanor and hug and kiss and then we left

"What was that about?" She asked as we got in the car

"Well Zayn told me that the boys were going to Sweden today for a signing and Harry even confirmed it. But Louis just said they weren't. Now i don't know what Zayn's doing"

"Well let him do whatever he's supposed to be doing and see what happens. But for right now we have to do some shopping for that cute Little baby" She poked my belly

"We don't even know the gender yet!" I exclaimed

"Well we can get it some gender neutral things. Me and uncle Louis are gonna spoil this kid" She laughed making me laugh too

We pulled up to Dani's house and she got in.

"Hey guys" She said as she slid into the back seat

We muttered our hi's.

"Was Liam in there?" I asked Dani

"Uh yeah, why?" She asked

I sighed. "Just wondering"

"Pez don't worry. Im sure whatever Zayn is doing it's fine" El tried comforting me

"What?" Dani asked. El told her this time

"Ohh. Yeah im sure it's okay. Just wait till tomorrow to talk to him when he get's back. Right now lets just focus on your baby" She said

"What do you think it is?" I asked them

"Boy" Eleanor said straight away


"I don't know. I just do." I laughed at her answer "How about you, Dani?"

"Umm Im not sure actually. What do you think it is?"

"Girl. I don't really know why but i just have a gut feeling it's a girl"

"Well you're only like 2 weeks pregnant so i guess it's hard to tell." Dani said

"Yeah. Im thinking on telling everyone at the big sleep over we're have in a few days"

"Oh i heard about that. Im actually excited" El said. Me and Dani shook our heads in agreement as we pulled into the mall

We piled out of the car and walked in.

Zayn's POV... (A few hours later)

I walked out of the house feeling like the happiest man alive.

I had a big grin on my face as i stepped into the taxi i had come over. I told the man where to go and we drove off. My phone went off a few times while i was in there but i ignored it each time

I pulled out my phone to see who texted me

1 message from Louis and a missed call from him as well.

Also, i missed call from an unknown number.

I looked at Lou's message

From Louis: Hey man. Perrie was here a few hours ago to pick up Eleanor and she was saying something about going to Sweden. I had no idea what she was talking about. She seemed a little upset because she figured you lied to her. I don't really know what you're doing so call me asap.


I called Louis and he answered

"Hey" He said

"Hey" I said not knowing how to start up the conversation

"So where are you?" He asked

"South Shields" I causally said as we pulled up to the airport.

"Uhh Why? Isn't that where Perrie used to live?"

"Yup" I said as i paid the man and got out

"Well anyways, you should get home quickly so you can talk to Perrie."

I sighed "I know. I just hope she isn't mad." I said. "Im coming home now so ill be back in a few hours."

"Okay. Im going to go now. I have to feed Nialler over here" He laughed

"Okay. Bye" I laughed and hung up

I walked into the airport and exchanged my ticket so i could go home.

I got onto the plane and sat back patiently as the announced the plane was about to depart.

About an hour and a half later, i was back in London.

Fortunately, there were no paps around. No one knew i was going away so that was a plus. I didn't have any luggage with me because i was only there for that short amount of time.

I walked straight out of the airport and got to my car i parked here earlier. I got in and headed home.

Once i got home i texted Louis saying i was here and i layed in my bed wondering.

Wondering about how things were going to go tomorrow.

I know she must be a little upset. Hopefully she won't be too mad though.

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