Chapter 7

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Perrie's POV...

Well today is the day we leave, sadly. But at least i get to see my girls soon. The thing that was really killing me was my stomach. Its been hurting all morning.

Everything was already packed up and we were about to head to the airport. I didn't know whether or not anyone was going to pick us up or if we were just on our own.

"Ready?" Zayn asked. I nodded and we grabbed our things and pulled them out of the hotel room. We put them on a luggage cart and walked down the corridor to the elevator. When we got outside, Zayn called over a taxi and put our things in the trunk.

No one really said anything in the car except for Zayn telling the driver where to go. When we pulled up, Zayn paid the driver and we hauled our bags out of the trunk. We pulled them into the building and i sat down with the bags while Zayn checked us in.

"Excuse me, are you Perrie Edwards?" A little girl asked. She was maybe around 8 or so.

"That would be me!" I happily replied.

The girl gave me a toothy grin "Can i please have a picture?" Wow, she was very a polite little girl.

"Of course you can!" I grinned back.

"Mind if i take it?" Zayn said casually while stopping infront of us. The girl turned around and squealed with excitement.

"Zayn! Oh my god! You can be in it too! I'll have my mom take it!" She exclaimed and ran off to her mom tugging on her jacket, asking her.

I laughed when the mom sighed and got up with the camera in her hand. The little girl who i still don't know her name came back. She got in between us and wrapped her hands around our waists. Since she was shorter than me and Zayn, we put our arms around her shoulders.

"On the count of three" Her mom said.

"One...Two...Three" And there was a big flash.

"Would you like and autograph as well?" Zayn asked. He's so nice to his fans

"Yes!" She yelled.

Her mom pulled out a piece of paper and pen. Zayn signed first.

"What's your name, sweetie?" He asked her

"Emily!" She squealed. Zayn laughed and wrote something down then handed it to me.

I read what he wrote and smiled. He really is dedicated to his fans. I took the pen and wrote a little note and signed the bottom of it.

"There you go hun" I said as i handed it to her. She squealed once again and hugged us both and said thank you. Then her mom grabbed her hand and they walked away.

"That was nice of you" I said

"What? Can't i be nice to the fans who support me?"

"Of course you can!" I laughed. Then a lady over the intercom said our flight was being boarded now.

We grabbed our things and went to go through the security lines.

After all of that was done we got on the plane and sat down in our seats.

"Hey Zayn, is anyone picking us up at the airport or are we on our own?" I asked

"I knew i forgot something...Sorry Pez. We can call someone to get us when we land"

"Alright. I would say we could walk but i don't want to with al of our luggage. It was a tough walking that short distance with them. I can't imagine what it would be like with a much longer walk" I said.

Zayn laughed and leaned back on the seat. There's the cue that Zayn is going to sleep. I sighed and pulled out my phone and ear buds once again.


Zayn and I were now standing outside of the airport waiting for the boys to come get us. I was meeting the girls at mine and Jades place when they drop me off there tonight.

We had to hide in the shadows in case any fans were here. Paparazzi already snapped a few pictures of us but oh well. Can't hide from that.

There was a loud honking noise and a car coming in our direction. I looked over but looked away really fast because of the headlights of the car i looked straight into. It pulled up infront of us and the doors flew open. Zayn and I were being attacked by hugs from the boys.

"Im glad you're back" Niall whispered in my ear as we let go of each other.

"Glad to be back" I said.

"GROUP HUG!" Louis yelled and soon i had arms all around me.

I laughed as this lasted a few minutes.

"Louis! Get your elbow out of my side!" I heard Harry yell. Well, at least he's actually talking.

"Sorry" Louis said as we all let go.

"It's okay boobear" Harry said and they hugged. Awww

"Well shall we get you home?" Liam asked me

"Please?" I said.

"Yeah, if i spent that much time with Zayn, i'd want to get away from him too" Louis joked as we got back into the car.

"Hey!" Zayn shouted as he elbowed Louis in the ribs

I laughed at them and buckled up as we started to drive.

"So what did you guys do?" Niall asked wiggling his eye brows with Louis.

"You guys are so immature" Liam said

Well i guess they figured it out because i was blushing like madly while thinking back to that night.

"Oh my god! They did it!" Louis yelled.

"Hey! Not infront of little Niall here!" Harry said covering Nialls ears

"You guys are such dorks" Zayn said and laughed. I looked in the rear view mirror to see Liam wink at me. I smiled back and continue to look out the window.

When we pulled up to my house, we said our good byes and i walked up the path to my flat.

I opened the door and saw 3 girls rush up to me with arms wrapped around me in a bone crushing hug.

"We missed you!" They all said in unison

"I missed you guys too!" I said back

"We figured since it's your first night back, we should just watch a movie and chill" Leigh-Anne said.

"I think that sounds like a great idea" I said as i put my luggage in my room.

"So what movie?" I asked as Jade handed me a bowl of popcorn.

"Project X?" Jesy asked as she was looking through our movies

"Yes!" We all shouted

She put the movie in and we all sat around watching it when i noticed my stomach was still hurting but at least not as much as before.

I hope this isn't anything bad..


Okay, this has nothing to do with the story but i just got to say something.

It was raining really hard and stuff and i was walking home from the bus stop and i walked past a bird on the sidewalk and i thought it was going to fly away but it didn't. I looked at it and it actually looked like a statue til it shook its head to get some rain off.

I even leaned down closer to it to see if it would move and it didn't! I wanted to take a picture  but the rain was pressing buttons for me so it couldn't do it. I couldn't dry off the screen either because i was wet.

But it was super cool though! Haha okay im done!

Bye! :)

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