Chapter 2

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Perrie's POV..

"Bye!" I shouted to everyone as me and Zayn headed over to get on the plane.

I was so excited to get to the Bahamas! It was a 5 hour plane ride which means im gonna be bored out of my mind. Zayn will most likely sleep so i'll be by myself.

"Hello everyone. This is your captain speaking. We will land in the Bahamas in approximately 5 hours. This is now the time to buckle up because we are about to take off. Please enjoy the ride" The captain said over the intercom.

I looked over to see Zayn already asleep. Typical Zayn. I got out my phone and put my head phones in.

Im broken

Do you hear me?

Im blinded

But you are everything i see

Im dancing alone

Im praying that your heart will just turn around

Liam's voice filled my ears.

More Than This is my favorite song by One Direction. It's funny to hear my boyfriend singing on my phone but i also find it soothing. Whenever he's away for tour or something i always listen to their music. It comforts me.

By the time the song was over, we were already in the air and flying hundreds of feet in the air.

Jade's POV...

After Zayn and Perrie left we all decided to go get some pizza. We piled back into the car and went to a pizza place. There were a lot of people there so we just got it to go so no one would recognize any of us.

We got the pizza and headed back home. The car ride was a little quiet. The only noise was the radio playing. We pulled up to Liam's flat and got in. His place was spotless. We put some pizza on our plates and sat in the living room devouring our pizza. Niall had maybe 10 pieces? That boy can really eat.

We sat around and watched Grown Ups. This movie is hilarious! Everyone was laughing except Harry. He seemed a little down all day. Hopefully i can talk to him.

The movie ended and it was only me and Harry up. Niall was half awake. He was more mumbling things to himself in his sleep.

"I guess i'll get going then" I said and headed over to the door to put my shoes back on.

"Would you like me to drop you off? It's late" Harry said. I was a little surprised he talked. He hasn't talked at all today.

"No that's okay. I can walk. But thanks for the offer." I said and opened the door to leave.

I was halfway down the pathway when i heard foot steps behind me and soon they fell into step with mine. I looked over and saw Harry smiling at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Walking" He simply stated

"Well duh!" I laughed "I meant where are you going?" I asked

"Im walking you back to your flat. Since you don't want to drive"

"Thank you" Is all i said.

"No problem." He said. It was silent for a little bit before i cleared my throat and took a deep breath.

"I have a question" I said with all my courage

"What?" He asked slightly confused

"Why were you acting weird today?"

"I wasn't acting weird"

"Yes you were. You were way quieter than normal"

"Oh. Stuff has just been on my mind lately" He said

"Like what?"

He sighed "Nothing"

"You can tell me if you want" I said trying not to seem desperate

"Im fine!" He yelled at me. That shut me right up. I just looked down and tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to come out. It was silent for a little bit longer before we got to my flat.

"Bye" I said and turned away from him. I was stopped by a hand that grabbed my arm and swung me back around to face him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I've just been under a lot of stress lately." He said

"I understand. I get that you don't want to talk about it but if you ever want to, you can always stop by" I said.

"Thank You" He said and pulled me in for a hug. I was shocked by his actions but quickly hugged back. As we released each other he kissed me on the cheek.

"Goodnight" He said and walked away.

"Goodnight" I said quietly and walked back into my flat tracing my fingers over the place Harry's lips lingered a few minutes ago. I walked into my room and headed straight to my bed and fell asleep.

Perrie's POV...

Zayn and I just got off of the plane. We walked through the airport with our bags and grabbed a taxi.

15 minutes later, we pulled up to a hotel that was along the beach and walked in. The hotel was simple but classy. We checked into our room and it was amazing! The kitchen was fairly big, the living room was big and the couches looked super comfy. I walked to the bedroom and it was huge! They even had little mints on the pillows! The bathrooms were also pretty fancy! But the view from the balcony was the best. It was a view of the beach and the water looked amazing.

"Want to go down to the beach?" Zayn asked

"Of course!" I said and grabbed my swim suit out of my suitcase and headed for the bathroom.

I changed into my white 2 piece with a gold outline on it and put my hair into a messy bun. Then put some shorts and a loose shirt on top. I walked out of the bathroom and Zayn was already in his swim trunks with a shirt.

"M'lady" He said and held his arm out for me. I giggled and wrapped my arm around his.

We made our way down to the main floor and left. The beach was just across the street.

We got there and the sand was white. I took my sandals off so i could walk through the sand and we made our way down to the water. I took my shorts and shirt off and headed into the water. It was clear as day.

I stood there for a little bit admiring the view when i felt 2 strong arms wrap around my waist from the back and then a chin on my shoulder. I looked towards him and gave him a light kiss on the cheek.

Then i felt myself being lifted into the air and down in the water. I looked back up and saw Zayn laughing his bum off. I pouted at him which caused him to laugh even more. I got up and when he was doubled over in laughing fits, i took the opportunity to push him in. He got back up and looked bewildered which caused me to laugh even harder.

We were pushing each other in the water and laughing. I haven't had this much fun in a while.

This vacation was going to be perfect. I can already tell.

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