Chapter 17

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Perrie's POV...

I woke up and noticed 2 strong arms around my body. I turned my head so i could face Zayn. I smiled at him as i took in his features. His beard was becoming stubby and his hair was messy. He was starting to wear it me flatter. I liked it.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer" He said which made me jump. I playfully hit him on the arm and we laughed.

"We should go out for breakfast. I don't really wanna make anything" I suggested

"Sure. Get ready and i'll take you." I nodded and got in the shower.

When i was done i wrapped a towel around my body and walked into my room where Zayn was laying there half asleep. I quickly got dressed while he wasn't looking and went over to his side of the bed to wake him up.

"Zayn. Come on babe" I said as i shook him gently. His head snapped up and he rubbed his eyes


"That's alright. If you want you can take a shower" I said

"I don't have any extra clothes here" He said. I walked over to my dresser and opened the bottom drawer. I grabbed one of his sweat shirts since it was supposed to bed a little cold today and a pair of his jeans that he left over here one day.

"Here" I said as i grabbed his clothes

"Oh. That's where they went" He laughed as he walked into my bathroom

I did my make up and sat there looking through twitter waiting for Zayn to finish. I followed some people and looked through more tweets when Zayn came out.

"Ready?" He asked

"Yup" I said as i got up off of the bed and followed him out of the flat.

We got to the restaurant and sat down at a booth. After we both ordered we sat there in comfortable silence until he spoke up.

"Today is the big sleep over" Then it hit me. I have to tell them all about it.

"Yeah" I said trying my best to act normal "Im excited"

"Me too actually. It's been awhile since all 11 of us got together"

"Yeah. It should be fun. What time are we all going over there?" I asked

"I think Ni said 2:00. He's pretty pumped" He laughed. Oh great.

"Well since it's 11:30 right now, what are we going to do?"

"Um i didn't really have anything in mind. Did you just want to go over there after we're done eating or did you have something in mind?"

"No we can go over."

Our food came and we ate while we talked about our bands and such.

I was honestly more scared than i thought i was going to be for telling them.

When we were all done eating we went over to their house and Eleanor, Louis, and Harry were there.

"Hey" we all greeted each other. I looked at Eleanor who was just smiling at me. I could feel my stomach do back flips.

"Hey Pez, wanna go food shopping with me for tonight?" She asked. I looked at Zayn for permission. He nodded

"Sure" I said and she hauled me out to the car and pushed me in.

"Are you excited?!" She asked.

"No not really but i can tell you are"

"How can you not be excited?" She asked ignoring my remark

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