Chapter 15

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Perries POV...

"Perrie, no one is here to save you now" He said. I couldn't talk. I couldn't speak.

He pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. He laughed as he stepped closer to me still pointing the gun my way.

I whimpered as he finally held the gun to the side of my head.

"Good bye" He said and pulled the trigger.

I shot up out of bed. My face was wet from the tears i shed during the horrid dream. I looked at the clock and it read 7:42am. Well at least it isn't in the middle of the night.

I walked out of my room to make some breakfast. I started to but some bacon on a frying pan when Jade came into the kitchen.

"I'll make some eggs." She said. I remembered about how she told me that they were going to Sweden. I don't know whether to be mad at her or mad at Harry for telling her or mad at Zayn for telling Harry.

"So when are you and Harry going on that date?" I asked

"Not sure"

It went silent after. All you could hear was the sizzling of the bacon.


"They're not in Sweden, are they?" I interrupted her

She looked at the floor. "No."

"I know" I said

She looked back up at me "How?"

"When i picked up Eleanor yesterday Louis was there and Liam was with Dani when i got there too"


"Tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"Tell me where Zayn went" I demanded.

"Now that, i do not know. Harry doesn't even know."

"Do you know what he's doing?"

"No and neither does Harry but Perrie, you need to relax!" She held on to my shoulders shaking me a little

"Im just worried, Jade! I don't know when he's supposed to get back and i don't know where he's at! For all I know is that he could be in a different time zone and what if he doesn't come back! Oh my god! What would the baby do-""

"PERRIE!" Jade shouted i looked at her startled "You need to calm down! I can see why you're upset but don't you trust him? You know that he wouldn't do anything like that without consulting you first! Maybe the reason why he told you something else is cause he's planning something for you!"

"That's what Louis and Eleanor said"

"See? And wait, what do you mean baby...?"

I looked down. Oh no. I didn't want her finding out like this

"Perrie..Are you..pregnant?"

I nodded my head. I could feel the tears streaming down my face. I soon felt 2 arms around me. I looked up and saw Jade hugging me. I weakly wrapped my arms around her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She whispered

"I was going to wait. I wanted to tell you all at the sleepover."

"Who else knows?"

"Eleanor and Dani. Eleanor knows because she was the one who told me to go buy a test. And well she told Dani"

"How far along are you?"

"Like maybe 3 weeks"

She smiled "Im happy for you"

Picking Up the Pieces ~Zerrie~Where stories live. Discover now