Special Delivery

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Candy's POV

Yesturday was the Oprah interview, i really hate Oprah. She needs to be a little more professional. Michael woke up and he came up to me. I was about 8 months along or maybe half of 9 months. I was almost in my Due Date. I was craving peanut butter and we didn't have any. I asked Michael," Can you be sweetheart and go get me some peanut butter." He nodded and went into his limo.

I was sitting on the couch and all the sudden i felt a cramp. I cringed and just said," Maybe the baby wants some peanut butter too." It kicked again and i yellhd a little in pain. Then my back felt soaked. I gasped and said," My water broke." I limped over and grabbed the phone. I dialed the limo's number. I waited for and anwser and Michael said," Don't worry Candy, i'm on my way." I sighed and said," Turn around, i'm in labor." There was a moment of silence and then he said," I'm on my way." No one was there but me. Brea was in the studio editing and so was Frank.

Michael rushed in the door and helped me up. The driver was driving like he was in NASCAR. We finally arrived at the hospital. They hooked me up on an IV machine.

Michael's POV

I sat in the waiting room and grabbed my phone so i can call Brea and Frank. I called and Brea anwsered," Hello." I replied back in panic," Come to the hospital now, Candy's in labor." Brea said," Okay i'll be there in a minute." I slammed down my phone.

Brea and Frank rushed through the door and checked in with us. Brea sat next to me and whispered," Hey daddy." I smiled and said back," Where were you guys anyway." Brea said back," We were editing some songs." I nodded and was shaking nervously.

I did all the time as a kid ehen i was nervous. Brea touched my shoulder and said," There's nothing to worry about." I nodded my head. Hours were passing so i went by her room to check on her. She was asleep because of all the pain meds they gave her. The doctor looked at me and said," She wouldn't calm down."

Candy's POV

I just started to wake up and i saw Michael in the doorway. I was delirious and just remembered i was in labor. I asked him," How long has it been." He looked at the clock and said," About 5-6 hours." I dropped my jaw and said," That long and this thing still isn't out of me." He chuckled and said," It can take days."

I dropped my jaw again and felt a contraction. I started to just watch t.v. and sleep in and out of hours. It had been 26 hours and i still haven't given birth. I was getting impatient. I started yelling to everybody," I WANT THIS BABY OUT OF ME RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! GET IT OUT OF ME!!!!!!" Michael looked scared and the doctor said," Oh it's okay, she's just getting contractions."

The doctor opened my legs and said," Ready to have a baby." I sighed and took a sip of water and said," Let's do this."

I was pushing for 4 hours. It felt like forever. Untill finally we saw a head. She kept telling me to push when i was pushing for all my life. It finally came out. Me and Michael asked at the same time," What is it." And she looked at it and smiled.

Author's Note: Like i said, i love cliff hangers. Find what the gender, and description of the baby is in the next chapter. Enjoy people.

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