In The Studio

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Candy's POV

The next morning i'm dreaming about the first time me and Michael met. Untill he kisses me on the lips to wake me up. I wake up and said," What am i Sleeping Beauty?" Then he said softly," In my world your everything special, and more." As we got ready he asks," Do you wanna come to the studio with me, i'm recording that song, remember." I nod slowly and he said," Great, but let's hurry or my manager Brea is gonna kill me." We run as fast as we can to avoid paparazzi walking towards us.

We get in the limo and Brea is sitting there with an angry look on her face and finally said," What were y'all doing that was so damn important that you were 15 minutes late?" He said quickly," We woke up late." Brea just smirked.

When we arrived, it was a big studio. I dropped my jaw and Michael said," That's what i thought when i was little. I sighed cause it was bigger than my apartment, just a sing room is bigger than where i live.

Michael's POV

The look on Candy's face was priceless, i couldn't help but chuckle a little. She playfully punched my arm and said," Shut up, this is just..." To finish her off i added," Amazing, wonderful, spectacular, terrific..." Then she added," Let's not get technical with it." We both chuckled while waiting for Brea to get my recording manager, only for recording songs, Frank Dileo. Brea was my full time manager.

I sat on the couch, feeling like i've been waiting forever. She sat down next to me and said," What's wrong." I sighed and anwsered," Brea isn't here yet and i need to hurry up and record that song." She finally said after a bit of silence," Don't worry, she'll be here soon." Then she kissed my cheek.

I blushed a bit, then she said again," You blush at everything." I said smoothly," I always do when i'm with a beautiful girl like you." Then she blushed and i said," See your blushing."

Candy's POV

I can't believe it, i am blushing. Brea walks in and said immediently," Quit fooling around and let's get to work." Frank walked in and he said to Michael," Who's your lady friend Mike?" He says while he pulls me closer to him," This is Candy Cane." Frank laughs and says," What a cute name for a.cute girl." I blush at both of them.

Michael says," Let me just record this song so i can go home." Brea said back at him," What so you can do Candy." Michael's jaw dropped and he yelled," No, i'm very tired i wanna sleep i would never do something like that during this kinda critical time in my career."

He was recording the song and looking at me the whole time. After he got to the last verse he finished and winked at me. I blushed a little bit. He walked out of the recording booth thing and slapped my butt when i was talking to Brea, then Brea said," Dirty Michael." He said," Come and get then girls." Brea anwsered," You'd like that wouldn't you."

He nodded like a child who had just prepared himself for a tiny job for money. Me and Brea chased him around the studio. We all fell on the couch and we started to laugh. Brea said," But still Mike, i can't believe you would be the one to slap her ass." Michael stated," Did you forget i'm a man that has needs."

Me and Brea's jaw dropped at the statement. And then he winked at me. Brea said," Y'all can go home, me and Frank are gonna stay here editing some stuff on the song." Me and Mike walked out. This was only stage one.

Author's Note: Yepp, i am sorryy for writing short chapters, but even in the summer i'm busier than ever, but just wait, better stuff to come.

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