Sister In Trouble

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Candy's POV

Me and Michael were knocked out on the bed, we were so tired, we thought we could sleep untill 1990. But our sleeping was interrupted by a knock on the door. I nudge Michael and say," Door." He groans and limps to the door. He opens it and yells," It's your sister."

I come to the door and wave saying," Hey, come in." We all sit on the couch and i say," Why are you here exacly." She sighs and said," Well, at my job, i work as a college math prof. and i was working late last night. I was up grading a bunch of papers, when the principal pulls me and tells me i'm fired, i ask why, and he said i just plain don't like you, and then he knocks all the supplies on my desk off."

I ask," Don't you think you should just sue him then if he did it for nothing." She replied," I'm late on taxes, and the job cost me my insurance for job keeper." Michael says," I can hire a lawyer for you." She said," No this is my own battle, and i wanna face it on my own, with no help."

Michael's POV

Me and Candy just nodded. We went into the kitchen and Candy said," Maybe we should just let her stay here." I nod and say," I guess, but i still really wanna help her and hire a lawyer."

Candy just said," She will be very mad if you do so think about it." We both nod and go back into the living room. Claire just sat there looking sad. Then she said," And i don't wanna stay here cause of the new addition coming." Me and Candy look at each other.

Then i say," Please just stay with us for atleast untill you hire a lawyer." She sighs and says," Okay, but i'm warning you that it might take a while." Candy nods and says," That doesn't matter, we' be happy your here, i never see you."

Candy's POV

Me and Michael started to set up the guest room for Claire. But i go in the kitchen and over hear one of her phone conversations. She was saying," I know, i totally played them...I know they think i got fired from my job, now i get to milk them outta there is the perfect plan...i might stay here longer just to torture them." I come up from behind.

I say," You wanna milk us, okay, just get the fuck outta here." Sge grabs a knife and says," You can't stop me." I slap it out her hand and say," Get out or the bodyguards will do the rest." I snapped my fingers and they carried her out of the house.

Michael asked me," What happened." So i showed him the taped phone call recording. And then he said to the bodyguards," Don't let her here again."

Author's Note: I'm writing so many updates cause i wanna make up for the days i didn't write. But it's 3 in the morning so, goodnight people

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