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I always saw that Thomas guy with the girl...Teresa I think her name was. It's not like I was jealous, but I despised her. To me, she just seemed, odd. But I had other worries on my hands than her. For one, Tobias is still confused, relating to the fire. I had to tell him again that the fire was a sabotage...

Tobias's POV:
What Tris said about the fire being a sabotage really did make sense. After she explained it too me, for the second time that day, it finally made sense to me. I needed to find more about the faction systems, since Tris believes that they are responsible. Although this place takes away our memories and alters our thoughts, there is still one place where some records are kept. Down behind the kitchen, I found a trap door. It was the night when I heard someone in the Homestead. That was the moment I really fell for Tris. Before I heard the commotion, I found stairs that descended into the hole of the trapdoor. I took a torch down below, but I never lit it until I closed the door and made sure the bright light could not be seen in the black night. I did not remember much, but there was a whole section on factions.

The faction systems were quite interesting. But, I found something interesting and very strange. Among the factions were the Erudite. They valued intelligence but they seemed to act different. I had a strange suspicion that they were up to something horrible. Members of this faction took their intelligence and they craved more. They wanted total power. Those people dressed in blue,  did anything they could to seek higher power. I left the basement and headed to the Homestead so I can use the information about factions, specifically Erudite, to piece together the fire incident. I sat on my bed, and tried to process, but my mind kept thinking about Tris. With every passing day, my love for her kept growing stronger.

Tris's POV:

I walked away from a hard days work farming, and headed to the shower. The cold water relaxed my sore muscles and calmed my nerves. I worked extra hours just to keep my mind from going insane. The water coated my body, as my mind no longer raced with thoughts. I remained in a state of peace. After the shower, my legs took me to Tobias's room. Lying on the floor, with eyes closed, was Tobias.
"Hey Tobias," I whispered into his ear. He calmly rolled over and kissed my cheek, still keeping his eyes closed. It took him another couple of seconds to open his eyes.

"Tris, I feel that the Erudite started the fire. They are a faction that has caused trouble to gain power in the past. The problem is that I can't seem to piece together who in the Glade would actually do this. I suspected Gally, but he is gone. So he is out of the question." He said the last part as a fact, like stating how the weather is. But that thought did not stick with me long, for it was Gally we were talking about.

"Wait, remember when you said that each faction wears a specific color to represent them? What color does Erudite wear?"

"On yeah, the Erudite always wear blue because they feel it stimulates brain cells or some retarded crap like that. So, we just have to find people in the Glade who are wearing blue?" It sounded to easy.

"That sounds like the best shot we have. So, who wears blue? I thought I saw Peter in blue, but I don't really spend all my time staring at him." I said, as I crossed my arms.

"That was so cute, and I don't say that word a lot. Gosh Tris, I love you." He bursted out in laughter.

"Oh Tobias, I love you too." I said as my cheeks turned red, and I started laughing myself. I pulled his lips towards mine, and embraced him in a kiss. Kissing me back, he ran his hand down my shoulders and down my arms. He stopped at my hands, and pulled away from our kiss.

"Tris," he said, my hand still in his, " there are only two people left in the Glade- excluding Gally who always wore blue-  that  actually wear the color. The only two people who ever wore blue were Thomas and that girl, Teresa. They are Erudite."


Hey everyone, thanks so much for reading. This is a new year, and I am going to set  a goal this year to actually update sooner. Sorry for saying that I was going to start the next book in December, I fell kinda behind with this book. Which, pushed the release date back farther. So, the new date of The Insurgent Trials is still TBD. Thanks again for staying patient! BTW, what did you guys think of the different POV's? Please comment below and don't forget to vote! 

Be Brave My Cranks :)

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