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The doors... they began to open as they made a deafening boom. All though they opened everyday, they still freaked me out. They slid until they came to a complete stop. And then, all was silent. Her brain raced with the new information she had been given. How could Alex be lying? But then again, she did not know anything to the start so it did not really matter. The sun began to rise and shine among this place, as the light shone on the four sections of the whole place. It was breathtaking. "Okay Tris, we gotta find a job for you. But first, I recommend getting dressed, in a place surrounded by boys, you might get attacked." Tobias said as hey looked away from me, respecting my privacy. At that moment, it occurred that she was still in her pajamas. And she wore a low cut tee shirt, that dangled far below her shins. Her face became red as she realized she talked to him like this. maybe he did not notice she thought. But, as she said this in her head, he turned around with a snicker. He walked away, leaving it at that. "Oh, and by the way, nice tattoo, Tris." She walked back into her room, and began to dig from fresh clothes. Just then, Emery stirred and awoke."Good morning, you up early. What have you been doing?" She said with a yawn to her voice as she sat up, stretching her back and arms. "Oh, I could not sleep, so I woke up." She said, not telling her about the conversation. "Well, I gotta go, training is today so I can find my job. Any suggestions?" "Well, you should try the garden. I work there, and we can work and be buddies." Emery said. "Yeah, that would be great." She walked out of the room and left, just as she saw Newt walk by. It seemed like he was waiting, for Tris to get out so he could talk to Emery. She walked out, and headed out to eat breakfast. Everyone knew that Frypan could not cook, but they still are his food, for it was all they had. As she stood in line to get strips of the greasy bacon, she tried to hide. Chuck was behind her. 'Oh great.' She thought to herself. Chuck was the stupid one that tried to see her naked just a couple of days ago. She suddenly stopped caring about Chuck, for she saw her friends sitting among a wooden table. She sat among the table, as her bacon rested on the plate. Tobias, Newt,and Emery sat an smiled as Tris approached. "This bacon is disgusting." She said as Tris sat down. "I have not tried it yet, looks pretty gross. Is this all we get for breakfast?" "No, Tris, we also get these muffins. They are actually fantastic, considering Frypan did not make them. They come from the box." Tobias said as he handed Tris a muffin. It seemed like Tris and Tobias were the only ones talking. Even though Newt and Emery were there, they did not talk for they were constantly kissing. Tris watched as Emery hooked her lips into Newts and began to passionately kiss. It was kinda gross, especially during breakfast. Tobias noticed, but did not seem to care. "So, Tris, are you ready for training day? We have to find you a job." "Yeah, I'm ready, but I kinda want to work in the garden, bear Emery." Emery stopped, and turned to smile at Tris. But, that did not last long until she began kissing Newt again. "Okay, that will save training time. If you are confidant you want to work in the gardens, then we can start there. Come on, Tris." Tobias smiled as he got up. She followed. She did not know what was wrong with her, but she grinned whenever Tobias talked. But, that thought was interrupted when she fell, face down, landing on in dirt. She had hit the ground so hard, her vision blurred, here hearing intensified. All she could hear were loud laughs, coming from a table above. Among the table, their sat two boys. One was tall, with evil in his eyes, and scars among his face. The other, was Gally. They stood, making fun of Tris, and laughing. The tall boy had tripped her with his foot. They must of thought it was funny, until Tobias came. "Peter!" He screamed as he socked him right in the jaw. "She is a lady, you don't treat women like that." He began to hit Gally too, for laughing with Peter. He then stopped, and walked away, and picked Tris up and embraced her in a hug. "Come on let's go to the garden." He said to her, but her hearing was still altered so all she could do was smile.


They walked around the garden together, as he showed her all the jobs she would do. They already sounded amazing to her. She knew that she wanted to train and work in the garden. "Tobias, I want to work in the garden. I don't care about any other job, this is the job for me." She said as she stared into his eyes. "Okay, you start tomorrow. But right now, I gotta show you something, it's about the maze." He said. They walked to the edge of one of the walls. It was covered in mossy ivory stuff. Weird. "Now, Newt
normally does this part, but, I think I should show you, since I am the one responsible for you." He pulled back the plants that rose high in the sky, and tapped on a small window. It was a little glass square that sat inside the stone. It showed into the maze. "So, what is it?" She said as she peered through. "Just wait, they will be coming around." Just as he said that, these monster creatures rolled by. They snapped, and squealed as they rolled by. The sight was terrifying, they looked like something out of some nightmare.

*Thanks for reading! Tell me what you think so far! I've been trying to make this work.

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