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The once standing building was nothing more than a burnt crisp. Although the Gladers rushed around o put out the fire, they could not save the building. I never knew what it was for, but the runners were upset. Minho, Thomas, and some other guy all cried. This was their special place. Tobias had told me that that room was the Map Room. The Runners recorded all of their days running in there. They would  record the patterns of the maze everyday. He had told me that they finally realized the different patterns of the maze created letters. It was a clockwork pattern of repeated letters.

"Hey Tris, how are you doing?" Tobias said as he embraced me in a long hug.  

"I'm okay, I was not connected to the map room. But I feel bad. "

"Yeah, especially because those letters were supposed to help our escape. Newt believes that they were the key  to leave the maze." That thought haunted my mind. Maybe it was the key. "But, let's not worry about what we can no longer control. Didn't you ask me about factions anyways?"

"Yes, yes I did. I want to know about them."

"Okay, let's go back to the Homestead, it's too...corrupt here." He said as he grabbed my hand, and gently laced his fingers between mine. 


We sat down on his bed, and stared into each others eyes. I always got lost in his dark blue eyes.

"Okay, I have been having these dreams, but I believe them to be memories. I remember groups, from outside the maze. They are so vivid, I really think they are true. But anyways, it all started after a war. People were fighting because everyone was different. They did not have the same characteristics and feelings as others.  Men and women were slaughtered by the thousands. Just because they all were not working together the same. And so, some stupid people wanted to create a world were everyone acted the same. They developed five factions, to which each had its designated trait.

"Among these were The Dauntless, who focused on bravery and acted as the protection of the city. Then we had the Candor, who valued truthfulness and honesty. They were the lawyers, and the court systems. Next, there was the Erudite. They were the educational leaders for school, and hospitals, and anything else smart. But, there was also the Amity. They produced all the homegrown food and proper nutrition. And then, there was the Abnegation. They were selfless and formed the government leaders.

"All the factions were supposed to live in peace, but that did not last long. I remember that the Erudite wanted total control. They were so furious that Abnegation ran the government, so they started another war. They used the Dauntless as soldiers to overthrow Abnegation. They believed that they could overthrow Abnegation with these two factions. "

"But, after Erudite overthrew Abnegation, they wanted to recreate a perfect society for everyone to think just like them. I have a theory, that the Erudite created the maze, to manipulate others to be them. But, I have no clue, for that is where these memories fade. After the war, I can not remember anything. It has been killing my mind not knowing why." He said, his eyes looked sad. I sat there in silence, awestruck at all this information. This place was getting stranger and stranger. Why would Erudite even do this?

"But I just don't understand, none of this makes sense to me." I said, as I rested my head on his muscular shoulder.

"Yeah I know, I'm still very confused. But what I do know, is that you can not tell anyone. I feel that if everyone knew, they would all go insane."

"Okay, I promise to not tell anyone. Not even Emery. Although I love her, I love you more." His face turned redder, and I expected mine was red too. It was weird saying those words, for I've never said them to him out loud. He pulled me into a kiss, and whispered 'I love you too.' Our lips were locked for several seconds, but it felt like centuries. It was still a sudden shock. It still felt like our first kiss, seven months ago.

"Oh and Tris,"he pulled away. "There is one more thing about the factions. They all dress in faction colors. That's why everyone is dressed in many colors. Some wear dark blue, others sport red and yellow. Some like to wear black and white. But, others wear solid grey, like you. And then, others wear black. It seems that each faction has their colors, but I have no clue which ones go to which..."

"Tobias, this is too much right now, I would rather kiss."

"Yeah, me too." I pulled him into the kiss this time. His hands moved to my shoulders, and they slid down my arms. Our arms rolled up and down each others backs as are lips became one pair.

"Ohhhhhhhhh KISSEY KISSEY!!!" Laughed some boy, Chuck. I quickly pulled away and gave him a nasty Glare. Just then, Emery and Newt walked in.

"Really Chuck? Leave them lovebirds alone!" Emery said to Chuck who ran away giggling. Newt pulled Emery close, and kissed her just as I kissed Tobias again.  "I love you Newt," Emery said.

"I love you too."  Tobias and I stopped, and quickly left the room. For Newt an Emery were being crazy. They kept kissing! Although I thought it was cute, it was weird to watch others make out.

"LOVEBIRDS!" Tobias shouted down the hall as we turned away from those two. His response made me laugh. I love it when he smiles. Emery soon broke away, and playfully chased me down the hall.

"Tris, come back here! You gonna die." Emery yelled as she laughed. I was so glad I had a best friend like her. With her and Tobias around, maybe I can forget about factions and the colors they wear.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Hope you all loved this chapter. Sorry for keeping everyone waiting for so long. Pleas vote/comment and more updates coming!
Be brave all my Cranks. :)
- Caleb

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