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Everyone still seemed shocked and terrified of the past events. What Gally had said was really believable. Everyone started to think that Teresa and Thomas really did have something to do with this. I remember before Gally was dragged away, he said final words before he was no more. He said that Thomas and Teresa were traitors, who created all of this. He screamed his last breath of hate, but his words remained in my brain. Could it even be possible two Gladers were the cause of all of this? I don't know what to think anymore. But, everyone else seems to think these words as true. They even locked up Teresa in the Slammer. Now, I know I never talked to her, but she still could have been treated better.

It all began to be too much. My fight with Tobias, the Grievers, and now even Thomas and the girl. I was not able to take this for much longer. If only my mind could just wisp away, and leave me alone. The Grievers came unexpected, like always, but the doors still opened. They came again last night, as they dragged out another Glader. I never knew his name, but he wore a yellow shirt. The horrid image of his shirt as it transformed from yellow to red still marked my mind. The Grievers actually sliced him this time. It started at his chest, and it tore through his pancreas. We knew he would not even make it to the Griever hole before he died of blood loss. We all knew more Grievers would make an appearance, maybe even they would soon come back tonight.

This was going to be a long day. The level of paranoia ceased a little as we continued to do our jobs. It seemed as if they just put what had happened on pause. Strange. I worked faithfully for my shift. But then, my mind just gave up. I couldn't work anymore. I needed to take a mental break. I decided to take a walk in the forest sector of the Glade.

The trees all around me blocked out any light, and created a path of darkened shadows. The whole surrounding scene was peaceful. It was completely silent, except for the occasional indecipherable voices of those in the Glade. The peace, the darkness, it was lovely to me. I could just freely think without anyone to stop me. This is what I needed... But suddenly my mind was interrupted. Somewhere in the forest, a twig snapped. Someone was approaching.

With every second, they came closer. I already started to hear my own beating heart thump against my rib cage. And still, the footsteps were closer than ever. It only took a couple more seconds for me to face the person. He stood and smiled at me, Tobias. He carried a weird flashlight that I have never seen before. The faded light made his dark blue eyes shine. His shoulders, slightly slumped  back, lightly fell up and down with every breath. His chest moved up and down, gracefully... But I could not sit here and just stare at him! Gosh I was still angered with him.

"Hey Tris, we need to continue our conversation. Remember, we were cut off by Grievers." Tobias said as he walked up to me. His eyes gazed upon mind.

"Shut up! I don't even want to talk to you. You are nothing but an untrustworthy, sorry idiot! You can never understand the hurt I experienced from you! You don't keep secrets from your girlfriend!"

"Tris, I am sorry. I had to keep secrets from you for good reason. Do you really think I would want to keep secrets from you? I had to. I was...forced to. I almost told you sooner, but I was forbidden..."

"Forbidden from who? That's the bests excuse I have ever heard!"

"I was forbidden by Them. You know, the people who brought us here? They sent me a message. It was a couple of days ago. When everyone was asleep, someone came into the maze. They were completely masked. They awoke me and dragged me to the forest sector. They had said that to live, I had to follow exactly as they said. They threatened to split your throat. And I would not let that happen. You see, they needed me to keep a secret. For what, I don't know.

They said something about trying to create a new challenge in your brain. They wanted an act of you feeling hurt. I don't even know why. At first, I denied even the idea, but that did not stop them. They stabbed  me, right across my heart. They dragged the blade over my ribs." Tobias said as he took off his shirt, and exposed his chest with a huge scabbed up slash. I was awestruck. I did not know what to say. I stayed silent for a long time.

"Tobias, I am so sorry. I am the worst girlfriend ever. I should always trust you... But I didn't. I assumed that you wanted to keep this from me, to hurt me." I wrapped my hands around his waist and pulled him close to me. My head rested on his bare shoulder. The tears rolled down his back, but he did not pull away. "Can you please forgive me?"

"Hey, I love you, Tris. I will never purposely harm you. How can I not forgive you? But let's make a promise, for now on, no secrecy. Even if these Creators threaten our lives. I will always be here for you." I nodded in agreement, to choked up with tears to speak. I pulled his head down to my lips, and placed them softly on his. He kissed back.

In that moment, our lips were intertwined as one. I ran my fingers across his back, and wrapped my hands around his neck. His hands held my waist, firmly. The fallen flashlight glinted enough light for me to view his back. As I pulled away from our kiss, I rubbed my hand down his chest. I stared at the gash, and almost began to cry. But, he just tilted my chin up, and embraced me in another kiss.

Just then, a horrible clicking sound filled the air. It came from behind Tobias. He quickly pulled away from my lips and spun around. It was a Beetle Blade. It stood and watched us making out. Those sickos! He violently charged at it, and it scurried away, deep into the forest.

"Tobias, what do your tattoos mean?" I asked as I slid my hand down each one. They were symbols. He had five of them. They all were perfect circles, and went down to his lower back. And yet, the whole design was surrounded by black flames. The amazing black that covered his back mesmerized me.

"Oh those, yeah those are factions... I think. It's very strange, Tris. I have memories of before his place. I have a good idea of what they mean..." He said, but his voice was interrupted by shouts from the Glade. "Tris, We have to go, but I will explain later." He quickly pulled on his black t- shirt. He began to run back to the Glade, and I followed closely behind.

It only took a second before smoke came into view. It came from a little wooden shack that I have never seen before. It bellowed grey smoke into the air. As I got closer, there was burning orange exploding through the door. There was Gladers that ran by, carrying many buckets. I soon realized that this building was on fire!

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