A Girl Named Emery

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"You just don't worry your pretty little head about the maze right now. Okay. So, you need to get cleaned up, you smell like the bloody klunk in our toilets." Newt smiled at me. "I am going to take you to my girlfriend, Emery. She will clean you up and all that jazz." Although I had many questions, and I smelled like crap, I feel I needed to freshen up. "Okay, but I still wanna know about this maze." I said. " Yeah, of course, follow me." With that I followed Newt as he walked, as his leg slightly limped. He had a limp, but I did not know why. I pushed that thought out of my mind when I saw him approaching a girl.
He stopped, directly in front of the girl. "Emery!" He said in a happy voice. He went over to her and embraced her in a hug. She hugged him back, and they stood, hugging. He hooked his lips into hers, and kissed her. I do not know how long had passed, at least 8 seconds of them kissing. It became awkward for me. But then, Emery released and whispered something in his ear. "Emery, this is the Stiff, can you please like help her clean up?" "Yes," she said with a smile on her face. "Great, I will catch up with you two later." He said as he kissed her one last time and then turned back the opposite direction.
"I just love him, his hair, his sarcasm, everything." Emery said with a smile. "He sounds... cool I guess." I say. I keep thinking about how rude he was to me, but I think that is just him. "Hey, lets go freshen you up, follow me." She said as she walked towards shacks of buildings. I soon realized that the shacks were bathrooms, they looked as if they would fall apart, splitting at the seams with every movement. They were incredibly strong, which surprised me. We walked together towards the girls side, as we talked about things. And then, we stopped inside. Their were showers and 'klunk holes,' I think that is what Newt called them, as well as sinks. "Okay, how about you take a shower, and then I will be back and we can fix your hair." "Okay," I said as I already started to unbutton my shirt. Just as I un cinched the second button, I heard a giggle. It was coming from one of the showers. Emery stomped to the door, looking annoyed, and pulled open the wooden door. "Ha, I was in there the whole time! I'M IN YOUR SHOWER!" Giggled a young boy who looked no older than twelve. "Get the heck outa here you perv!" Screamed Emery. With that, the boy ran out and continued to laugh as he ran out of sight. "Sorry, that was Chuck. He is, special. He always pranks people in the bathrooms. He finds it amusing." Emery said in an annoyed voice. "Umm, it's ok, I am just glad I was not naked!" I said. Emery smiled at me, and then headed for the exit. " Thank you." I say to her. "Anytime, now I will be back with fresh clothes, and we can do your hair." She said as she left the building. I took off my clothes, and stepped inside the shower. I needed this badly.

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