A Close Second

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No one else worked that day. We were all worrying about them entrapped in the maze. No one ever made it through a night in the maze. The only two who still worked were Peter an Gally. Throw two became best friends, which threw my mind into scary thoughts. Those two are terrible alone, but together, I can't even imagine the evil they would do.
We ate in silence, as the cold misty air remained silent. The only sounds present where from the Beetle- Blades, who creepily clicked and clacked as they hid in the darkest shadows of the Glade. They always watched us. We were in constant surveillance. They even appeared near the showers. After the toxic food that was Frypans cooking was eaten, everyone went to bed. I could not sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, the distant sounds of the horrible shrieks that arose from the monstrous creatures filled my eardrums. But just then, Tobias walked in, easing me from my thoughts.
He must have known I would not be able to sleep, for me came near my bed and began to speak. "I can not sleep either." As he sat on the edge of my bed, eyes twinkling from the faint light from the adjacent window, he embraced me in a hug. "I know it is terrible, but we have to assume they are gone, they will not likely make it back."
"Tobias, don't say that, who knows.Maybe they will be he first to survive. I think the best thing o do in this situation is to remain positive." "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry, they are just worrying me,..." His words were abruptly cut off as Emery stirred in her sleep. She mumbled something indecipherable and then was silent. The room remained silent, but then the metallic howling started again. Tobias knew I was frightened, and got up from the bed. He then went to the other side of the bed and lied down. His arms wrapped around me. The comforting warmth of his arms was a nice distraction from the constant shrieks.
Within 10 minutes, I drifted to sleep with his arms still around me.

The next day, Emery was gone, but Tobias was still on the other side of me. His face was pressed into the pillow, sleeping. I warily awoke and realized it was 7 am! The doors open at 7:10. I quickly spring out of the wooden bed, and headed for the door. Before I even got two feet to it, Tobias stirred awake, releasing a bear-sized yawn. He then realized that their were only ten minutes until the doors would slide open.
I quickly headed for the bathroom, and got dressed. Not Caring
about my hair, for I did not want to miss anything. I had the hope that they were still alive. I rushed out of the bathroom, as I pulled down my black shirt down my stomach. I started in a sprint towards the doors, where Newt, Emery and some of the Gladers where already awaiting, in hopes of they would return.
I soon remembered why Thomas ran in the maze to begin with. He saw Minho struggling, with Alby strewn across his back, motionless. They were visible from the entrance, only 50 feet away. But, even Minho knew he was able to run fast enough to not be trapped. Newt held Emery's hand, tight for he was nervous for the safety of his best friend. Soon after, Tobias, and all of the other Gladers came swarming behind me. It was 7:10. The doors began to slide open on their heavy, metal gears. Thy rammed into the stone behind the gears, and stopped abruptly. The silence fell, and everyone began to whisper about. We all were thinking the same thing; were they coming back?
This thought soon became depressing. We waited for an hour, but nothing changed. So, we all ate a quick breakfast and started on our jobs. We had to accept that they were gone from our lives. Taken by the Grievers. Two more hours passed, and still no sign of them. The day continued as normal, except everyone was filled with grief.

8:00 pm. Nothing. The doors will close in only two minutes. We all were under the impression that they were all dead. But suddenly, their was a shadow approaching, fast. It came into view. It was none other than Minho, Thomas, and Alby. They turned the corner and sprinted towards the door as fast as they could. Everyone's eyes lit up like a fire, for they all were shocked to see them alive. The doors began too close. Thy started their slow closing. They had to make it this time. They had to make it.
They only had forty feet left. With every step they took, the door closed an inch. It got down to 30...20...10 feet to go. The doors were more than halfway closed. But at the last second, three bodies darted through the opening. A second later, the door slammed closed. They successfully made it back, with only seconds to spare. Everyone was overjoyed,... But those faces soon faded as they saw Alby.
His shirt had been torn off, and was wrapped around his chest. The white shirt soaked with blood. Minho untied the shirt for the Med-Jacks to observe him. With a sudden gasp of horror, everyone realized that he was stung, right under his heart. The wide opening oozed   blood, as it trickled down his skin. The surrounding area was black. And large purple veins stuck out in a wiry mess, from among the hole. The worst part of all was that he was stung in broad daylight. Grievers never came out in the morning.

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