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Chapter Twelve

The police car pulled into the small driveway of my house. "You're lucky the kid lived," the officer snapped. I ignored his comment. We walked up to the front door and one of them rang the doorbell. I scrunched my eyes, preparing myself for the worst. A sense of dread filled my stomach.

Matt came to the door. For a brief second, he was calm, but as soon as he realized I had been brought home by the fuzz, he was angry. The police officers told my brother the fake story. "Reagan!!! This is exactly what I told you NOT to do!!! You never listen!!!" he yelled.

The fuzz left and Matt took me inside. "Why the hell would you do something as stupid as that?" he shouted.

"I lied to the officers," I confessed. "I was trying to protect Ponyboy and the gang. I didn't want them to get in trouble. The guy was drunk and Pony had accidentally spilled his beer all over him. The guy started poundin' on him and the beer bottle was the only thing I could think of." Matt's face was still red.

"I don't give a rat's ass who you were trying to protect! If you had hit any harder, the guys could've been killed!!!" Matt fuzed. He continued screaming at me.

"I'm getting you outta here!!! This was your last chance!!! We're moving to a place where you can't get in trouble, where crime rates aren't as high as the people that cause it!!!!" he raged and pounded his fist on the table. "I thought you were ACTUALLY gonna try and make an effort, but I guess not." He slammed my bedroom door. "We're packing tomorrow!" he yelled through the door.

I laid on my bed, crying. Maybe in the morning he'd reconsider. Tears stained my face and pillow. I wiped them away with the back of my hand. This wasn't the first time I had cried myself to sleep before.

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