23: Cuddle (Stuart x Reader)

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You were going to Stuart's apartment since he told you to come over and help quiz him on a few things since he was going to take a test in this "Google" thing.

You had his key because he got a last minute call and had to rush back to the Google building. He insisted on you going to his apartment and you wait for him there. You're both very close friends. You've known each other since you were kids.

You stepped inside and realized how cold it was. Even though it was summer you wished it wasn't that cold in the house.

You walked in and went to the bathroom to fix your hair. Once that was done you sat down on the couch and waited. You grabbed your phone to call and ask when he was going to get here.

"Stuart how long until you come home?" You say as he answered.

"Um I don't know... Maybe ten minutes?"

"Maybe? Does that mean you may take longer?" You ask.

"It should not. I'm almost done."

You two finish your conversation and close the phone.

You go to his room and lay down on his bed bored out of your mind.

You shudder from the coldness and saw his closet open. You quickly go to it and looked around. You found a navy-blue hoodie and decided to wear it. You then rolled up in his blankets.

"This is so much better." You say as you inhaled his cologne that remained on both his hoodie and blanket.


Stuart came home but you were asleep in his room.

"Shit why's it so cold?" He says and fixes his thermostat. "Y/N?" He calls out but there was no answer. "Y/N?" He says a little louder, but still no answer from you.

He slowly walked upstairs feeling a bit paranoid since he began to think that you were going to pop out and scare him.

"If you're trying to scare me..." He says loudly.

He slowly opened his bedroom door and took a sigh of relief when he saw you rolled up in his covers. He smiled then chuckled at your cute appearance.

He sat down in bed next to you and lifted the blanket to fix it.

"Really? You took my hoodie?" He chuckles as he saw you sleeping peacefully in it.

He brushed a small strand of hair out of your face. He likes you--a lot. He just didn't want to tell you incase it ruined anything. Your friendship is so close.

He laid down next you and put the covers on himself.  You were slightly awake since you felt him come next to you. He looked at you as you slept. "You know Y/N, sometimes I think you should take my internship, you're so smart." He laughs. "You're also very sweet, and caring." He pauses. "You're amazing and I wish I could wake up to you like this everyday." He says and sighs.

He was about to get up when your arm gently snaked on his chest. You fixed your position so that your head was resting on his chest as well.

He put his arm around you and watched you snuggle up beside him.

"I love you." He whispers.

He must have felt your head move because then he whispered; "Y/N?" He sounded worried.

"Why do you sound so worried?" You giggle in a slight morning voice.

"D-did you hear anything?" He asked.

"I heard what I wanted to hear." You say still resting your head on his chest and hearing his fast heartbeat.

"I love you too." You say and his heartbeat picked up.

You slowly fell asleep again and he noticed.

He looked at his book and thought; I'll study some other time.

Then he kissed the top of your head and you lifted it to face him. He was confused and thought he made a mistake.

Instead you turned to face him and kissed him fully.

"Wait do you have to study?" You ask.

"This is much better." He says.

"You're right." You giggle.

"Y/N... Will you be mine?" He asked.

Your heart fluttered. "I'm surprised you didn't use a pick-up line... Nerd." You giggle and he laughed.

"Did you want me to?" He said and you laughed. "Nah this one's better."

You two kiss again. "And yes, I will be yours." You say.

The end

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