1: New girl (Dylan x Reader)

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Hello everyone!This is the first book I'm writing for you guys

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Hello everyone!
This is the first book I'm writing for you guys. I hope you enjoy
All these imagines are mine unless I leave a user at the bottom of the imagine to give credit

(Incase you didn't know)
Y/N - your name
Y/N/N - your nickname
Y/L/N - your last name
Y/F/C - your favourite colour (or color)
Y/F/M - your favourite meal
Y/H/C - your hair colour
Y/E/C - your eye colour
Y/H/L - your hair length
Y/F/N - your friend's name
Y/HS/N - your high school name
Y/F/O - your favourite outfit
Y/F/F - your favourite flavour

Your p.o.v-

I ended up having to transfer to another high school  since my family moved. Now I'm super nervous since I pretty much don't know anybody.

I finish up with my morning routine and got ready for my first day.

I was surprised to see that the bus was nearly full. I ended up having to take a seat in front of this random boy.

We made eye contact and I smiled. I turned around and took my seat.

I looked down to my phone to find a song to listen to, but just before I put my earbuds in I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw that it was the boy behind me.

"Hey... Are you going to Y/HS/N?" He said.

"Where else is the bus bringing us?" I laugh and he did too.

"Good point. You must be new." He says and I nod.

"So that's why I didn't recognize you." He chuckled.

"Yup." I said and let out a nervous giggle.

"I'm Dylan." He says.

"Y/N." I answer.

He smiled then sat back down. I smiled about the small conversation we had. I'll have to admit, he's pretty cute.


I quickly glance at my schedule and my first class was science. I quickly put my backpack in my locker and grabbed everything I needed.

Wait... Where is science class?

I started to slowly panic and looked around for any kids going into classrooms. But... I was already too late. I curse under my breath as I realized that everyone had went to class, and I was still here. Shit.

I ran around the halls looking for my class.

My heart is racing and I already know that I'm going to make a fool out of myself when I show up late to class and everyone watches me walk in.

I feel as if I want to cry until I felt a tap on my shoulder and I jump with a yelp escaping my lips.

"Whoa, sorry." The voice said as I turned to face him. It was Dylan.

"Oh, no it's okay. I'm just all panicky right now considering that I'm lost." I say sheepishly.

"Nah it's totally understandable. You're new here after all." He gave me a warm smile which made me blush a little but I smiled back.

Then I realized... "Wait... Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Yeah, actually." He chuckled. "I came out here to look for you. We're in the same class."

Oh god. I must look so stupid right now.

"Oh..." Is all I say.

"Yeah, the teacher thought that you were away, since she wanted you to introduce yourself since you're... Well a new student. But I remembered seeing you so... I told her and here I am, about to bring you to class." He smiled proudly.

"Well, thank you." I giggle.

"Oh and for next time..." He said grabbing my schedule. "There's the classroom number next to the subject."

My eyes grew wide. "How the hell didn't I see that?" I say ashamed.

"Don't worry about it Y/N." He chuckled and I sighed.

I felt a small flutter in my stomach since he remembered my name.

I grabbed my books and was ready to get to class when Dylan suddenly took my books and began carrying them for me as we walked.

"Dylan you don't have to." I say trying to get my books back.

"I want to and I'm going to." He simply said and continued walking.

I smiled. "Are you sure?" I ask.

He only nodded.

I smiled. "Thanks."

"No problem."


A student came and opened the door for us.

When we both walked in a few guys were smirking and a few began whispering.

One of them said out loud; "Look at Dylan, already getting it with the new girl." There was laughter from the guys, but the teacher told them to shush. She ended up breaking a smile.

I madly blush, and saw that he was glaring at the boy who made the joke. Dylan was blushing at the same time.

"So Dylan, I got off the phone with the principal. He asked if you would give  Y/N a tour around the school? I noticed that you two already know each other so that's why I had the principal convinced. Don't wanna be late again." The teacher smiled.

Dylan nodded and smiled at me. The guys were chuckling and gave Dylan more smirks. The girls were glaring at me.

We both walked out quietly–Dylan shuffling close behind.

"So... Y/N..." Dylan started–breaking the silence.

"Do you... Well since we can keep in touch and stuff..." He pauses scratching the back of his neck. "You wanna maybe... Like... Uh..." He took a deep breath. "Give each other our numbers?" He said quickly.

"Sure." I smile.

I got my phone out and so did he and we both quickly exchange numbers.

Dylan and I got to know each other more as he was giving me a quick look around the school.

As this whole "tour" was going on, I got to know Dylan a lot better. He was a sweet, humorous, and a nice guy. Not to mention cute too. Really cute.

Oh great. My first day of school, and I already have a crush... I thought.

When he finished showing me around it was time to get back to class. It's been a whole class period so we were together for about an hour and a bit. To be honest I wanted to be with him longer.

I saw him scratch the back of his neck. "So um... Y/N I was wondering if you... Well I understand if it's too soon but do you... Wanna to go out with me?" He said then bit his lip nervously and looked deep into my eyes.

I smiled. "Of course."

The end

Dylan O'Brien imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now