9: The right one (Dave x Reader)

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Your p.o.v-

Tears began pouring out of my eyes as I slam the door on my boyfriend's face. Well... Ex-boyfriend.

I watched him race away in his car and I was home alone. My parents went to a late night wedding, and had to stay over at a hotel.

All I could do was call my friend Dave. He's always been there for me in the good and the bad.

I grab my phone still sobbing a little and decided to go walk it off. I just needed someone to talk to right now.

I kept walking and held the phone to my ear, hoping for an answer.

The phone rang a few times but then his voicemail came up. I didn't want to leave a message since I was all emotional so I just hung up and but my lip trying to prevent me from sobbing out loud.

Thinking about Dave only made me sadder, and made me need him now.

At this point I didn't even know where I was going. I just kept going where my feet were brining me.


I end up walking to the nearest supermarket. It was late and the supermarket was closing soon.   The parking lot is pretty much empty, so I decided to sit on a space at the corner and thought about things.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing.

Dave! I thought relieved.

I quickly answer.

"Baby... Come back to me baby I didn't mean what I said back at your place."

"Fuck it Jake! You're never hearing from me ever again! And I don't want to hear from you!" I start crying. "What you said and tried to do to me tonight will never be forgiven! You only wanted me to please yourself!" I hear cars pulling in but why do I care. What I'm going through right now can be heard by the public I don't give a shit.

"But baby I love you-"

"That's bullshit!" I yell and hear a car door open then close.

"I swear if you come anywhere near me-"
"I'll break his legs." I was interrupted by a voice and spun around.

"Dave." I say so quietly it almost wasn't loud enough to be a whisper.

"And if he decides to drag himself to you, I'll break his arms." Dave says with his teeth together and walked closer to me.

I closed the phone as Jake said "Is that Dave?"

He hugged me tightly and I cried into his chest. I sob shakily and he rubs my back.

"Shh..." He says softly in my ear calming me down as his hand still strokes my back–the other wrapped around me.

"I-I broke up with Jake." I say.

"I heard." He said chuckling only a little.

"Was I that loud?" I say ashamed.

"Not really. It's good that you let your anger out." He says still talking soothingly.

"Do you feel better?" He says after a while of silence as he was still stroking my back.

"Now that I'm with you." I whisper and his grip tightened with his one arm around me and he almost stopped stroking me with his other hand but continued.

"And why's that?" He asks.

"Because you're the right one... Dave..." I say once again in a whisper.

It's true. Like what I mentioned before, Dave's always and still is there for me. He cares about me. And I care about him, more then I should. And I knew that he's the right one for me.

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