8: Jealous? (Stiles x Reader)

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You were watching the Beacon Hills lacrosse team practice on the field as you waited for your younger brother Liam to finish his practise.

You were bored until someone caught your eye.

He was amazing at the sport, and didn't miss one shot. You saw that his number was 18.

Being the school spirit, you cheer for him. He continued to purposely impress you.

Then you saw another boy wearing a lacrosse jersey with the number 24 on it. You were close enough to see him grip his lacrosse stick, and take a ball and shoot it towards the net–scoring a goal.

You saw your brother Liam snicker at the boy in that jersey, then he said something.

Then you saw the boy with the jersey 18 take his helmet off, he wasn't exactly a dream guy, but he was decent.

He ended up winking at you, and you giggled. You saw the boy with the jersey 24 stare by having his helmet turned towards him. He gripped his lacrosse stick again.

What's up with him? You wonder.

"Alright folks enough warming up. Now's time for a game!" Coach yelled to the team.

The team split up so that they could verse each other.

The coach blew his whistle. "Go!"

The boys ran around the field, and you saw that the amazing player 18 (Not a real character btw) run with the ball in his lacrosse stick until the boy with the 24 jersey bodychecked him and took the ball that bounced out of 18's stick.

Your eyes grew as the boy that had 24 on his jersey ran across the field, and bolted his way through anyone that was trying to stop him.

Finally, with one powerful jump, he shot the ball right into the net.

This time, you stand up from where you were sitting and cheered for him.

You saw the boy look at you. The only problem was that you couldn't see who's under the helmet.

"When'd you get so good Bilinski?" The coach said.

"With determination sir!" Of course, you determined him. He wants to impress you better. By having his heart set in you, he played like a pro.

"That's what I'm talking about Bilinski!" The coach said.

The name almost sounded familiar, but it was still different for you.

Finally you saw him walk by and you read the real name on his jersey.


"Stiles?" You ask yourself.

"Alright back on the field!" The coach yelled.

Everyone scurried onto the field and you watched the game again. Stiles and 18 were on the same team this time.

Once coach blew the whistle, Stiles ran over so he could catch the ball when they passed it to him, but that stopped when 18 bodychecked Stiles–hard.

He flipped onto the ground and you gasp.

"Same team David same team!" The coach yelled blowing his whistle. "That's a penalty right there." The coach said and David threw his helmet off his head and sat on the bench.

You rush over to see Stiles and break your way through the crowd of boys as the coach went to go speak to David about the unnecessary attack.

"Are you alright?" You say to him while holding his shoulder and checking his body if he broke or sprained anything. After all, it was a hard fall.

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