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'I love you.'

Her mind was spinning. Out of all the things she could hold on to from yesterday's event, her brain chose to clung to Peter's confession. Not sure whether she should believe it or not, she pushed the thoughts away.

Today was the day.

Later in the evening, she's going to finally have her revenge. Killian gave her the honour of ending him. Hearing that it's almost over, she felt relief. But at the same time, she knew that something inside of her screamed for her not to do it.

She reminisced back the memories of the past. Of when they started the game, to the point where they seemed inseparable to now.
'Now is the worst,' She sighed.

The countdown is getting more little to this point, only ten more days for the game to end. When she thought about it, he would die either way. It's just the question of today or later when the days are over.

Both under her hands and control.

She pushed her hair back and relaxed on her little bed.
Before she knew it, she fell to sleep.

♤ ♤ ♤

"(Y/n)," She was shook awake, "It's time."
Her eyes fluttered open and her (e/c) orbs met sky blue ones. She pushed her weight on her elbows as she got up and yawned.

"Time for what?" She rubbed her eyes. Killian answered with a small sigh and one of his eyebrows rose up.

That's when she finally remembered. It's time. Time for her to end Peter. She bit her lip and look down to the wooden floor. Before she could say anything, Killian took her hand and brought her to the center of the ship.

And there she saw Peter. He was being held by two pirates who works for Hook. He looked vulnerable to be honest. If it was by his will, he could have escaped by now. But it was like he was accepting his fate.

This made her cringe slightly.

"Here." Killian handed her a sword. It wasn't a show, but it was sharp enough to dig into any skin. "Shove that into his heart, and all's over."

Her hand wrapped around it's handle and walked closer to the poor boy. He glanced up to meet up with (Y/n). His eyes reflected sadness but there wasn't fear.

She could see a little hope in his eyes.

"(Y/n)..." He whispered lightly under his breath, but it was loud enough for her to hear. "Please don't do this." He pleaded.

She forced her eyes to close itself and tried to ignore him. She raised her sword higher and got ready for the attack. Her hands trembled as Peter never broke his gaze on her. She gripped the handle tightly but before she tried to hit him,
"I'm sorry."

The sword fell to the ground. She felt her eyes burn and tears began spilling down her cheeks.
"I-I can't do it." She croaked out.

This made Killian shout, "What?!"
He ran up to her but she quickly picked the sword from the ground and raised it up at his direction.
"D-Don't come near me." She warned.

Hook's crew began circling her. All of them staring at her fiercely.
"I warned you not to betray us, (Y/n)!"

She gritted her teeth and glared at Hook. Her tears never stop flowing down her cheeks.
"I am not betraying you!" She shouts and continued, "I'm offering!"

With that, she spun around and kicked the two boys away from Peter. He looked shocked, this wasn't what he expected.
"Go!" She yelled to him as she turned back around to see Hook's crew rushing over to her.
"Wh-What?" Peter was taken aback by the statement.

"I said, go!" She yelled even louder this time and shot him a glare, leaving him with no choice. He began to run and jumped from the ship's edge and flew up. He sneaked a glance back to see her fighting Hook and his crew.

His figure lay stunned on the air as he watched the scene. A pirate got her shirt and swung his sword to her face in which she dodged quickly but it scratched her cheek, leaving a trail of blood on it.

He wanted to drop back down to save her, but he knew he was low on power. He needed time to replenish his strength and everything. His hand balled into fists and flew away, not turning back this time.

He had to come back tomorrow and all he could do now was hope.
Hope she could survive just another day.

Twenty one days down, nine more to go.

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