Chapter 4

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When I came home this afternoon, I was disappointed to find Leila sitting in the kitchen chewing an apple and grinning as if it had just told her the greatest secret in the world. Of course, despite how much I had wished it was actually the secret of the apple making her smile like the Cheshire Cat, I knew it wasn’t. There was only one person who could make any of us smile like that and it was Brandon. This meant that after I left him to get extra help in Chemistry, he went to get extra help in Leila-stry.

Now I know what you’re thinking, Brandon isn’t my boyfriend so why should I be so angry about what he does in his free time? Well it’s like I said before, he’s almost my boyfriend and Leila continues to get in the way of that. It started from the first day I met him at the pool. I was sitting with a group of my friends at the edge of the pool when he showed up looking totally hot and beyond lonely. So I took it upon myself to go and introduce myself, maybe ask if he wanted to hang out later. Of course, two minutes into our conversation he spotted Leila at the snack bar with her friends. She looked up at the same time he saw her and she made her way over to us. And…well the rest is history. From the look in Brandon’s eyes I could tell he didn’t know what to do now that he had another girl who looked exactly like me only with a different personality, to choose from. I doubt any guy would know what to do. So can you hate me for taking it upon myself to try and make his job easier? All I want is for Leila to back off and give us some space. I know if she did, he’d finally pick me.

But now, looking at Leila’s vacant, clearly-not-here face, I know that she’s not backing off any time soon. In fact, she’s probably holding on now more than ever, and that pisses me off. This is why, when the phone rings, I dash to pick it up before Leila. I’m hoping it’s Brandon. Luckily, I’m not disappointed.

“Hey you,” he says, “Wanna go to dinner?”

I smile, because I know, whatever it was that went on with Leila after school, didn’t mean as much to him as it did to her. “Sure,” I say, “when?”

“How’s 7?”

“Perfect, I’ll see you then.”

“Alright, later.”

I put down the phone, a wider grin forming on my face. Then get up and go to my closet to pick out an outfit.

“Who was it?”

I whirl around and see Leila standing at my open bedroom door. “Oh, it’s you. “ I say. “It was Brandon.”

Her eyes light up. “What did he want?”

“Obviously not you.” I say bluntly. And go back to my closet.  I hear her footsteps retreat and then stop and turn around.

“Well if you’re going to see him tonight, tell him his kiss was spectacular.” She grins and goes back to her room. I stand there fuming until I remember I’ve got a date to get ready for. 

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