First Day of School

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~Niall's POV ~

I woke up to the sound of my Louis pounding on my door.

"Wake up Niall! It's your first day of school and your going to be late."

Oh yeah, great. Two weeks into the school year and I had to move to Bradford. Just great. All my friends are back home in Mullingar and I'm here. I hate Louis for this! How could he do this to me?

"Niall! I know your up! Get ready or else you don't get any breakfast."

"I'm coming! Don't rush me!" I yell back.

I jump up and change into some random clothes and race to the bathroom to fix my hair and brush my teeth. When I get downstairs Louis is nowhere to be found. Then I find a note on the fridge,

"Niall, since you we're taking so long I had to leave, so you are going to have to walk. I called your school so you'll be fine." Louis says

Great, not only am I late I have to walk in the rain, and it's 5 miles from my house to the school. Aren't I having all the luck of the Irish. I guess I should get going now though.

As I walk to school, I see a shinny red Ferrari 458 driving dangerously close to me. Then the window rolls down and the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen is inside. What I'm gay, no judging. With his perfectly quiffed black hair and hazel eyes to his tan skin and long eyelashes, he was stunning.

"Do you need a ride?" The stranger asked, in his beautiful Bradford accent.

"Yes please" I say, even though I know not to talk to strangers. but I had to get to know him.

"Get in Irish" he says to me.

"Thank you"

"Oh. By the way I'm Zayn"

"Niall, Niall Horan"

As I get in he asked where I need to go. I lie and say the place that is the farthest away from the school as possible, babes bar on the other side of town.

"A bar at 7:30 in the morning? You must of had a bad morning."

"Yeah you could say that, I guess."

"Well I like your thinking, and I have an a hour or so. Would you mind if I join you?"

"No, I don't mind at all."

~1 hour later~

"Your really pretty you know that?" Zayn says.

"Your drunk" I reply, or at least I think did in my also drunken estate. Next thing I know Zayn is kissing me. Wait he is kissing! How is that possible, he is so handsome and I am just down right plain with by dyed blonde hair ugly blue eyes and gross pale skin (a/n just to let you know I think Niall is really gorgeous and not at all what I just described) .

"Wow, do you want to go to my place?" He asked

"Yes please." I say back.

When we get Zayn's house he takes me strait to his room to have sex.

A/N okay so that was the first real chapter. Sorry I don't do the whole smut thing. I might do it in later chapters. Thanks for reading!

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