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Pan's POV:

She's curled in his lap. They reminisce about her time with him. More like he tells her them from his point, letting her slowly give up hope.

"Aliya, I love you."

She squeezes his hand. In less than ten minutes she'll be gone. Her memory wiped from their minds until she comes back from her next death.


She tells him about the day she realized she loved him, but still thought of him as a monster. She giggles and sighs softly.


She tells him of her childhood, and that she used to be bullied. she tells him about how everyone became afraid of her.


He tells her about when he fell in love with her. How she became the only thing he loved enough to regret losing.


She loses her voice slowly.

"I love you, Peter Pan," she says softly.


She curls in his embrace. Her scent fills his nose.


She just sits there trying to enjoy what's left.


"I don't want to go, make it stop," she cries, "Peter I c-"


"You can do this Aliya, you can be strong enough to let go."


"I love you, Aliya."

"I love you, Peter Pan. Try to find happiness without me. Take my necklace so I have it when I come back."


She becomes limp. Pan looks at her. He cries, not those soft cries he does when he hides his pain. He sobs. He holds her to his chest. The boys come in and Oliver runs over to his King.

"She wouldn't want you to cry," he says softly, "Don't cry."

He sits next to Pan. Pan can see Olivers' dried tears. Pan can't breathe, and he can't think. He didn't want her to know.

"She begged not to go, and I told her to let go," he says so softly.

The boys have never seen him cry.

"Boys go I need to dress her."

Once they leave Pan undressed her, knowing she'd be embarrassed. He takes the green off and discards it. He slips a black and white gradient dress on her. He does her makeup beautifully and grabs her bow. The boys came in and grabbed her carefully. Oliver runs in with something in his hand. Pan picks him up, and sees the flower crown.

Pan nods and he places it on her. Oliver clings to Pan. They all walks to the beach slowly. Memories slowly start to fade and Pan has tears in his eyes. He can't forget yet. She looks so peaceful, and truly, truly happy. They reach the beach slowly, and there's a hole next to her sister. They place her in gently, and Pan places her bow in.

Pan leans down and moves her hair from her face, and puts her hands on her stomach to rest.

"I'll see you soon."

"I'm starting to forget her, you all won't," he says as strong as he can, "you all know I am a terrible person, and Aliya changed that. She made me see that not everyone is bad, or a threat. I still hurt her, especially within this last day. She loved you guys, and would do anything for you all. Anything that happened that wasn't her fault she took the blame because she's your guys' mother. I love her, and even when I completely forget her, her voice, her smile, and her kindness. You'll know that at one point there was peace here."

Pan forms her favorite flowers, and lays them with her, and kisses her forehead. They put the dirt over her. Oliver sits there.

"I'll stay," Charlie says, "We both need it."

Pan nods before walking away, knowing he'll never come back.

Captive// Peter Pan AUWhere stories live. Discover now