Chapter Nine

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Aliya's POV:

"Get back to camp before I force you," I hear Damien say.

I look at him and scoff. I won't go back to that hell-hole. Damien tries to throw Nightshade at me, but I point my hand at him scared that he'll grab me, and he flies back. I gasp and cover my mouth.

"Damien, I'm so sorry."

Pan appears to take care of the fallen Lost Boy.

"Stay here," Pan demands.

I cover my mouth, scared that I killed him. Ignoring his protests. I break through the jungle bushes. Suddenly I'm immobilized. I can't move. A greenish, purplish glow surrounds me. Pan looks worried for Damien, but I can see he's vexed.

"What did you do?"

"I don't know," I whisper, "I used magic."

He pulls out the Nightshade and I feel myself collapse in the dirt.


I felt weak when I awoke, I felt alone and scared. When I feel my neck, my necklace is gone. I try to sit up, but Pan has me chained down. He appears with my necklace in his hand.

"Pan," I start, "Give it back."

"You won't learn how to properly use it. Until you finally say yes, you can't have this back."

I huff in annoyance. I feel a pain coming from my head. I look over and see Damien passed out beside me. Pan unchains me, but harshly grabs my wrist to pull me with him.

Everyone is in the dining room. Pan opens the door to his side and pushes me in. The door shuts and I stand with my head down. Pan unlocks his drawer and puts my necklace in. He locks it again, and the key disappears. I hear everyone laughing. Peter walks past me and goes to open the door to the dining room.

"I'm not joining you."

"Then sit in here."

I watch him join everyone. Guilt eats at me for what I did to Damien. I sit on his bed. I wish Stephanie was still alive, I wish I was the one who got killed by Jensen. The laughter dies down and everyone goes out to the fire. Including Pan. They all looked so happy, and carefree. Pan gave them a better life, gave me a better life, and I am more than unthankful. I don't deserve Neverland. I don't deserve the Family and love the boys gave me.

Neverland was meant to save me, was meant to save my sister, and I was so angry that I didn't realize when it could to for me. I see his dagger sitting on the bed side table. I shake my thoughts away and lie down.

My stomach yelled at me for food. I just wrap my arms around myself. I feel like I'm stealing from the boys. From Pan. The yelling dies down and Pan opens the door.

"This is your last chance to get food."

"I don't want any," I whisper.

"Too bad."

Pan comes and sits beside me. He puts a tray of food in front of me. I don't move.

Captive// Peter Pan AUWhere stories live. Discover now