Chapter Twenty-Four

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Aliya's POV:

I look at Wendy as she clings to Pan. He side hugs her and looks at me. I don't say a word.

"Get up!"

I jump when I see Killian and Emma. Henry looks hopeful. The others come in as well. Emma grabs Pan and throws him against a tree. He just smirks.

"Don't kill him!" I yell, and run towards him.

Killian grabs me.

"Please," I whisper, "He didn't kill Henry. I stopped him from killing him. Don't hurt him."

The other black haired woman, Regina, walks over to me. She puts her hand into my chest to grab my heart. I gasp. Pan tries to fight Emma.

"Don't!" Oliver cries.

Charlie grabs him. She stares at Pan's heart that was inside of me.

"How can you be so kind and have such a black heart?"

"It's mine," Pan spits, "It was the only way to save her without killing a lost boy."

I feel myself start to faint as she squeezes it.

"Regina, don't," Emma warns.

She crushes it, and I faint.

Charlie's POV:

He watches as she kills Aliya. Charlie drops Oliver who runs over to her.

"Why would you do that!" Killian yells.

"Mother!" Oliver cries.

Charlie doesn't react. Emma drops Pan and Henry beat him over to her. Pan shoves them all away. Everyone watches as the heartless King of Neverland cry.

"Renée get me the box," Pan says so quietly, everyone could hear the heartbreak in his voice.

She runs into his hut. Moments later she's by his side with the box. Pan shakily takes the box and takes the heart out. Charlie can't even think. Pan will die in hours, just so he can save her. He takes the heart and pushes it in her chest.

She doesn't wake.

"Everyone, leave!" He yells.

No one moves.

"Pan, she won't wake," Felix says softly, "You can't save her this time."

"I need to."

Oliver clings to her.

Color slowly starts to fade from her face.

"Do something," he begs Emma, "She's the only thing I care about."

"I can't save her."

"Why did you kill her!" Pan yells, "She convinced me not to kill my grandson! She did everything in her power to save him!"

Pan's POV:

He looks at her. She looks scared. The only thing Regina did was put a preservation spell on her. He held the crying Oliver. The adults stayed and Killian sat across from her. Charlie still stood in his spot. Renée tried to move him, but no one could.

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