Chapter Twenty-Six

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Aliya's POV:

"Where did Charlie go?"


"Pan took him?"


Henry looks at me. He looks down at the ring on my finger. He takes it off. Memories of Pan come rushing back.

"Henry, please."

"Forgetting him this way is not the answer."

"Henry, you don't know how bad this hurts."

Henry takes my hand, and brings me to downtown Storybrooke. We enter a building and Henry sits me at a booth. He orders food for us and the older woman stares at me.

I keep my head down the whole time. I feel tears building in my eyes. The door chimes and I hear it.

"Henry get away from her," Emma says.

"She helped keep me alive," Henry says.

"Why don't you leave, Aliya?" Killian tells me.

"That's something I can do, Hook."

I glare at them and Henry stands to help me, but I shake my hand.

"Your mom is right, you shouldn't be around me. I'm glad you have a family."

At the same time Baelfire comes in the café.


"I'm going. You guys clearly don't want me here."

"Emma, she's defied Pan even when I was there," Bae whispers, "She lost her sister in Neverland. Why would she let Henry die at the hands of Pan?"

"Neal, she still was going to go along with killing Henry."

"No I wasn't, why do you think I was gonna give him my heart. I watched my sister die why would I watch him die too? It doesn't matter."

I use my magic to go back to Regina's house. I walk into my bathroom look in the mirror. I look tired and so dead inside. I lay on my bed. I fall asleep hoping that tomorrow is better.



I open my eyes and look up at Henry. I feel something dripping down my arm. I look at the blood and stand up, rushing to the bathroom. I clean my arm and look at the deep marks. I don't understand.

Memories come flooding back. I used magic to break a razor and I cut my arm. I slam the door shut and curl in the corner.

"Mom! It's Aliya!"

I feel the guilt eat at me. The door opens and I don't look at Regina.

"Let me see."

I shake my head.

"I didn't mean to," I cry caught up in emotions.

"Call Hook, I'll need his help."

Henry nods.

"We need to get you to a hospital, Aliya. Come on."

I shake my head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"I know, sweetie."

The front door slams open moments later and Killian comes rushing in.

"What happened?"

"I need you to lift her up so we can take her to a hospital."

He nods and I just cry silently when he picks me up. I don't know why I did it, I barely remember. The next thing I know we're in a hospital room. Killian is sitting next to me. Holding my hand. Regina is standing in a corner. The door opens and I see Pan. I stare blankly at him. I'm just numb.

"What happened?"

No one answers until Doctor Whales is done stitching me.

"Pan she cut herself. She doesn't remember doing it," Killain says, "You need to take her back to Neverland."

"He can take her in a week," Whales says, "I don't care if he has medical experience. That i-"

"We have a sterile hut for these things. Let me take her."

Whales nods.

"Bye, Dad," I whisper, "Thank you for taking care of me, Regina."

She smiles and nods. I hold onto Pan as we arrive in Neverland. He carries me into the hut, and connects me to an IV.

"Aliya, I'm so sorry."

I pull him to lay with me. I curl next to him as he plays with my hair. I feel my eyes start to close.

"I'll be right here," Pan says softly.


I wake to Pan staring down at me.

"I talked to Whales. He says you have Anxiety and Depression. I have medicine for you to take for it."

I pull him down to me. I'm too tired.

"I shouldn't have left you, my love."

I shake my head.

"Can I just sleep?"

He nods.

"Where's Charlie?"


"I want to see him."

He nods and leaves to get him. I shut my eyes and feel myself drift off to sleep.


I don't look at him. He sits on the bed, but not too close.

"Do you hate me?"

I shake my head.

"Are you scared of me?"

"No. I need my best friend."

He lies down and holds me close.

"I messed up. I never meant to take my anger out on you."

"I know, Charlie. You were right. I should've gone to you."

"I want to see Mother!"

The door opens and Oliver runs in.


"Oliver, now is not a good time," I whisper.

Pan comes in.

"I'm not-"

Oliver kisses my cheek and runs away.

"Can you guys go? I need to be alone."

Charlie leaves and Pan kisses my forehead.

"We can't do this right now. I'm not mentally ready."

Pan nods.

"I'll make you your own hut."

I lie back down.

Renée's POV:

She looks at Aliya, who lies asleep. Depression is what ruined this. The flowers start to bloom again.

"Renée, we will move her into her hut later. Will you go in and make sure she gets medicine everyday?"


"She doesn't want me."

"Pan, that isn't true, she just doesn't know what this is, and you can't fix her, and she's scared about it."

"She told me."

Renée goes into the hut with Felix, who picks her up and helps Renée move her into the hut next to Pan's. Renée looks at the girl who changed everything.

Captive// Peter Pan AUWhere stories live. Discover now