Chapter Two

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Aliya's POV:

I glare at Pan. He only smirks at me. I hate him so much.

"Don't let anyone hurt my sister."

"Oh, don't worry, Dear Aliya, she won't. She barely talks to anyone."

"What can I do to get out of here?"

Pan laughs lightly. I see an idea form in his mind, as he pulls me out of the cage. I stand, obviously so much shorter than the mighty ruler of the island.

"You'll begin training with me, while I go over the rules with-"


I turn to Pan. That was Stephanie. We both run to camp, and I see Jensen about to punch her. I shove him away from her. He staggers back, while I hold my sister in my arms.

"What the hell is wrong with you!"

He just laughs along with Drew. Pan takes matters into his own hands.

"Felix. Bring Jensen and Drew to the cage."

I hold my shaking sister and Pan looks at me. I was always told to go to an orphanage so that we had someone to care for us. Pan brings us into his tent, and he shuts the door. Stephanie remains silent, while gripping my cloak in her hands.

"We aren't welcomed here," I whisper to Pan.

"I don't want to be around boys who think it's okay to hurt young girls!"

Pan has me seat my sister in the dining room. He shuts that door and he sighs.

"The boys, they've never had a girl on the island."


I go to leave, but Pan harshly pulls me back. His green eyes stare down at me.

"I'm not done talking. You will tell your sister that she will stay in your hut unless we're eating, I will send Adam to keep her company."

I nod. He lets me go and he lets me being Stephanie to our hut. She sits on her bed.

"Where will you be going while I'm here?" She whispers.

"I have to train with them. You'll be okay, Stephanie. I promise."

She nods, and hugs me. There's a small knock at my door. I look at Pan. She nods and I follow the older boy. We walk into the large activities center.

"Everyone clear out!" Pan demands.

Lost boys leave the center, and Pan smirks. He goes to punch me, but I block him. He smirks and he kicks me hard in the stomach. I groan in pain and he laughs.

"First thing we'll work on is different blocking techniques."

Hours slowly passed by. I aced the fighting. Pan kept throwing remarks on how I'd never make it. I proved him wrong. Pan throws me a bow and arrow before the door slams open, and Felix comes in.

"Pan, it's Stephanie, Dreamshade-" he pants.

I run out first, going to my sister. When I get to the camp, Adam has my sister in his lap. Boys make room for me as I take her from his arms. Pan comes in shortly after and Felix comes back with a canteen.

"What is Dreamshade, Pan?"

"It's the deadliest plant on the island. If she drinks this water she can't ever leave."

"I'm okay with that," she whispers.

Pan hands her the canteen and forced the boys to leave camp. He sits beside me.

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