Chapter Fifteen

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Pan's POV:

A month has passed and it seemed as if the islands' life was slowly dying. Aliya still lies asleep in a coma from the impact of the arrows, and no matter what Pan did, his magic wasn't strong enough. It was better to have Felix to continue to run Neverland until she awoke, which could be years still. Everyone was either sad or depressed and nothing has been the same.

"Pan!" Felix yelled, bursting into the infirmary.

Pan stands quickly, protecting her lifeless body. Felix drags the ruler of Neverland out into the circle and Zachary was in a cage with Stephanie, but blood lined the corner of their mouths, and they looked as if they died.

"Hemlock?" Pan asks, knowing that no one can have necromancy used on them after they take it.

Felix nods, and when he looks at Stephanie she looks wild, and doesn't look as innocent anymore. She looks like a monster, and he sees a note crumpled in her hand. Pan grabs it, and reads the messy handwriting.


I don't know how to explain to you how I came back, but I do know that Jensen did it. He's been taking great care of me. I'm not the same way I was before I died. We plotted to kill you so that Pan's intentions stayed true. You already know his plans; somehow he brought your heart back, and it's hiding by the mermaid lagoon, in a cave. Pan can get his heart back, and you can have yours. Pan will kill us, and I'm so so sorry I betrayed you. I do love you, Aliya. You were everything I wanted to be and everything mom wanted the two of us to be. I was told we weren't ever related, but you're still my sister, even if not in blood.

I love you, Ali,


Pan looks at Felix. This will break her heart.

"I'll preserve their bodies for as long as I can, in case she wakes."

Felix nods and lets Pan do his spell before Pan returns to the infirmary.


"Peter?" she mumbles softly.

He wakes up immediately to see her stir. It's been almost another month. Aliya opens her eyes and looks at Peter. She winces in pain from her stomach. Pan goes and numbs the area, and helps her stand. He watches as he hands her the note that Stephanie left.

"Read it."

Aliya's POV:

I take the note from Pan.


I don't know how to explain to you how I came back, but I do know that Jensen did it. He's been taking great care of me. I'm not the same way I was before I died. We plotted to kill you so that Pan's intentions stayed true. You already know his plans; somehow he brought your heart back, and it's hiding by the mermaid lagoon, in a cave. Pan can get his heart back, and you can have yours. Pan will kill us, and I'm so so sorry I betrayed you. I do love you, Aliya. You were everything I wanted to be and everything mom wanted the two of us to be. I was told we weren't ever related, but you're still my sister, even if not in blood.

I love you, Ali,


I froze. She was planning on killing me too? Is she even still alive? I look at him with tears in my eyes.

"Stephanie and Zachary died from taking Hemlock."

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