Chapter Twelve

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Aliya's POV:

It's been more than two weeks since I was put in the cage, and I've grown accustomed to not eating and to being cramped. It's been almost a month, and I was starving. I deserved it I guess; I shouldn't of slapped Pan. I shut my eyes, trying to sleep, but I can't bring myself to doing so.

"You can come out now."

I look at Pan. I was too weak to move, so he pulled me out. I watched him disappear. I just fell to my knees. I don't want to go to camp. Letting everyone down wouldn't be good for me.

So I sit in the forest. I decide against it to stay, because Pan will kill me. I find my way back to camp. They're all laughing. Pan has Wendy in his embrace. No one sees me. I sneak back to the training center and sit on a bench.

"You're back," Zachary says.

"Please go away," I whisper.

I look at him and he knows. He nods and leaves. I grab a dagger and throw it harshly at a target. My anger and pain won't go away this time. Food appears beside me. I look at Pan. He look downs at the food.

"You need to eat."

"Oh, so the month I sat regretting hitting you I didn't need food, and now I do? Now I need to get fed? I hate you."

"Nice to know," Pan says softly, "I saw that coming."

"Go away."

Pan brings me to him and kisses me. I push him off.

Pan's POV:

He looks at her. She's scared, and he can feel it. She's scared that she'll be kicked off the island, she's scared Wendy will replace her.

"Stop reading me, Pan," she whispers.

"I love you, Aliya. I'm so sorr-"

"That's good for you," she spits, "because I hate you again."

She slams her shoulder into his. He doesn't stop her. Pan followers her. He sees Wendy, who stands to come near him. She then sees Aliya pissed. He tried to get in, but she's locked the door and used a protective spell. A lot of new boys joined them since she's been locked away.

"Aliya, please put the spell down."

Both did, and when Pan opens the door Jensen has her heart in his hand. She's gasping. Pan runs to her, but Jensen stops him.

"Peter," she whimpers, "it hurts."

"Peter? Ooh, last time I checked you hated him."

Jensen whispers for her to walk to him. Pan watches, and Jensen kisses her. She's forced to kiss back before he crushes her heart. She collapses on the floor. Pan is in front of him fast, and rips his heart out,

"It won't save her."

Pan sticks his heart in her. She doesn't move.

"No," Pan says with his voice breaking, "She's only seventeen."

The door opens and Pan sees Zachary runs over. He kneels beside her.

"Get up, Zachary, you tricked her like you were supposed to."

Pan looks at his loves best friend. The brothers disappear and Pan holds her. She can't die.

"Pan!" Felix yells.

Baelfire runs in as well, and they look at him.

"What happened?"

Pan couldn't speak. His heart felt like it had been ripped out, and his lungs had cement piled in them.

Captive// Peter Pan AUWhere stories live. Discover now