Chapter 19

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/////KATE'S P.O.V\\\\\


I shoved my last shirt into my suitcase, zipping it up. I sat down on the bed, wiping away the few last tears. I looked around the room for the last time. Harry still hadn't spoken to me since the events of earlier. The other boys had said some stuff, but not a lot. I felt so guilty.

Just as I was in mid thought, Zayn walked in.

"Harry wants your phone back," he said, showing no signs of emotion.

"What? He gave me that as a gift."

"Well, he wants it back."

I looked at him. Harry was doing this on purpose, trying to prove a point, provoke me. I wouldn't let him win.

"Tell you what, I'll take it to him."

I stood up and marched down the stairs, despite Zayn's desperate attempts to stop me. I walked into the living room, where Harry was sat watching tv with the other boys. My other four suitcases were stood in the corner of the room. I walked over to Harry.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I shouted.

Harry completely ignored me, focusing on the rugby match on the telly.


He ignored me once again.

"Harry! Listen to me! I'm not some little child you can ignore whenever you want to!"

He kept his head facing the tv. I shook my head and felt the tears fall down my face. I could see the other boys looking at me with pity, not knowing not to say. It was obvious that when Harry was angry, no one got in his way.

"You know what. I don't know why I even bother."

I'd had enough. My life was a train wreck. Everything I had ever had I'd pushed away, and this was the final straw. I spun around and ran as quickly as I could up the stairs. I heard footsteps after me but I chose to ignore them. I ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shit, locking it. I ran over to the cupboard, the tears streaming down my face. I flung the cupboard open and rifled through it. I found what I was looking for. The paracetamols. Someone was now banging on the door, but I ignored it.

I unscrewed the cap of the bottle and took a deep breath. This was it. My time was up. I tipped out about 15 onto my hand. I shakily raised my hand to my mouth. I took a deep breath, before shoving the tablets into my mouth. It took a few minutes, but I eventually got them all to move down my throat. I sunk to the floor, before my whole world became dark...

/////ZAYN'S P.O.V\\\\\


I followed Kate upstairs, wanting to try and talk to her. I thought she would go into her room, but instead she made a dash for the bathroom. Ok, she was acting weird now. I ran up to the door and pounded my fist against it.

"Kate! Let me in! I just wanna talk!"

There was no answer. I heard the cupboard door open and some pills being rattled. Holy fuck! She was gonna overdose.


Now I couldn't heard a single thing. I heard a thud as if someone was hitting the floor and that's when I called the other boys. They all came running upstairs.

"What's up?" Liam asked.

"It's Kate. I think she's tried to kill herself. Help me shove this door open."

I saw Harry's face go extremely pale. Liam helped me force the door open, barging into it with his shoulder. Eventually, it flew open.

"Oh my god," Liam said.

It was Kate. She was laying lifeless on the bathroom floor, an empty tub of paracetamol next to her.

"Louis call an ambulance now!" I yelled, crouching down next to her.

I placed her in the recovery position. Once I was sure Liam had her comfy, I felt the anger bubble up inside me. This was all Harry's fault. I jumped up and ran to him. He was stood outside, leant against the wall, biting his nails. I punched him hard in the face, causing him to fall to the floor.

"What the fuck!" he yelled.

"It's all your fault! It's all your fault that Kate's like this!"

I didn't give him time to get up before I kicked him in the stomach. Hard. He bent over double, clutching his belly. I saw his eyes turn black as he gave me a right hook around the face. I fell backwards. Niall suddenly grabbed my waist and Louis grabbed Harry's.

"Guys! This is not the time nor the place for you to be acting like silly, immature kids! Get a grip!" Louis shouted.

They let go, releasing us from within their grasp.

"You're gonna pay, Styles, big time."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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