Chapter 9

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/////KATE'S P.O.V\\\\\


I gasped as Harry grabbed my hand to help me out of the car. The house was huge!

"I this really your house?" I asked.

"Yeah, do you like it?" Liam said, lifting out one of my suite cases.

"It's amazing!"

"Well we would hope so. There's a swimming pool, private gym, indoor football pitch which can convert into any type of court you like," Harry told me. "Would you like to go inside?"

I nodded eagerly. Harry chuckled as he handed me the keys, watching me sprint up the steps towards the door. I unlocked the door and was greeted by a regular looking living room. It was huge though. There were red leather sofas dotted around the room and a giant 3D tv at one end. There was a giant glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The thing that made it very different was that there was a feature wall with images of all the boys on it. I laughed.

"Yeah, that was Zayn's idea," Niall chuckled.

"Hey I'm vain so what?" Zayn said, hauling in my suitcase.

"Can I see my room?" I asked Niall.

"Sure follow me."

Niall grabbed my hand and we ran up the stairs. I had to slow down a little because he couldn't keep up with. Eventually we came to a stop outside a red door. Niall smiled at me.

"I take it this is my room?"

He smiled, before opening the door. I stepped in, my feet stepping onto a fluffy white carpet. It was beautiful! I'd told the boys my favourite colour was red, and they'd definitely put this into account. The walls were a light red, and one wall was silver. I had a deep red quilt and there was a solid wood desk at one end of the room. There was a white sofa and a bookshelf, but no wardrobe.

"Come in here."

Niall led me through a side door, and I was greeted by a huge giant walk-in-wardrobe.

"There is space for you to keep all your sports things under there," he said in his strong Irish accent.

"Thank you. It's beautiful."

"Bathroom. The boys and I are gonna share one and you'll have one to yourself because we know how fussy girls are," Niall said blushing.

"Here you go Kate."

Liam walked into my room carrying two suitcases, followed by Harry carrying two and Zayn carrying one. Louis was behind them.

"Do you like it?" Harry asked.

"It's great. Did you decorate it yourself?"

"Yeah, I could have a career in decorating. I did the feature wall myself," Louis said walking in, pretending to straighten his imaginary tie.

"We'll leave you to unpack Kate," Liam said, before exiting with the rest of the boys.

I collapsed on the bed, squealing happily to myself. I was living with ONE DIRECTION! I took a few quick breaths, attempting to stop my fan-girl attack. I began to unpack and placed everything in its rightful place.

"Done!" I said half an hour later.

I ran downstairs as a smell filled my nostrils. I have an extremely good sense of smell.

"Ok I smell Ham and pineapple pizza with garlic bread and chicken drumsticks coated in piri piri sauce," I stated, sprinting into the living room.

The boys turned to face me their eyes wide. There on the table was ham and pineapple pizza, garlic bread and piri piri chicken. Harry's mouth dropped as he flicked from the food to me.

"You could work out all that using your smell from upstairs?" He asked astounded.

"Listen Harry, when I was younger if you didn't have a good sense of smell you weren't gonna get food. I could smell a chip shop form 2 miles away."

"And we thought Niall was good," Zayn said.

"Are you having some?" Liam asked.

"Nah you're alright. I'm gonna go make a salad... If you boys have any."

"What do you take us for, 10 year olds?" Louis asked sarcastically.

"Yes," I said.

"There's some in the fridge stupid," Louis said sticking his tongue out.

"Thanks idiot," I said, returning the gesture.

I wandered into the kitchen and looked in the fridge. I chucked a few things in a bowl while humming and walked back into the living room. I froze at the door as there was a loud bang. My heart started beating rapidly. I daren't look where the sound had come from. My breathing started to become heavy and I felt myself starting to have a panic attack. I dropped my plate to the floor and sat on the floor, my head between my knees. I heard footsteps.

"Kate. Kate it's ok. Zayn just knocked over an ornament when he stood up. It fine," Harry said rubbing my back.

"I... Can't... Breathe..." I whispered breathlessly.

"Louis get her a glass of water and Liam get some tissues," Harry instructed.

I was crying, tears flowing heavily down my cheeks. I hugged my knees tightly, my breathing becoming more rapid. This always happened whenever I heard anything like a gunshot. I felt helpless, like a baby. Harry still rubbed my back.

"Niall help me stand her up will you?"

"No! No if I stand up I'll see the blood. I can't see it again," I cried.

"Kate there's no blood. Zayn just dropped an ornament. It's ok," Niall said grabbing me under my arm.

"Get off me!" I squealed, struggling away from his grip.

Whenever someone did that it reminded me of the one and only time my dad had turned on me personally. He'd yanked me up of the sofa by arms and dislocated my shoulder. He'd then smacked me across the face and kneed me in the stomach. My mum had stood in the way and took the rest of the abuse, however I still remember what he did.

"Niall's only trying to help," Harry said.

"No! He'll hurt me! He'll do like my dad did! He'll dislocate my shoulder and knee me in stomach!" I protested.

"Zayn, can you call Sam. Tell her to come ASAP and use the tube. She'll get there quicker," Harry said.

I heard Zayn speaking on the phone while I cried hysterically. Louis and Liam had returned with the stuff Harry had asked for, but I declined it. I knew that none of them were going to hurt me, however the small child inside me began to take over.

"Sam's on her way," Zayn said, his sighs apparent.

I felt so ashamed.

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