Chapter 2

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/////HARRY'S P.O.V\\\\\


The girl at the end of the line hung up. I placed the phone down on the table.

"We're going over in an hour boys!" I told them.

They all leapt up off the sofa, running into their rooms to get changed out of their pyjamas. I was already changed. I honestly couldn't wait.

A couple of weeks ago, Simon had caught us out with a couple of 'girls' and said we needed to take on some more responsibility. He said we needed to figure out what we were gonna do by ourselves, which we had found extremely hard. We couldn't work out what to do, until Louis found an advert about adoption in the newspaper. There was a care home near by and they were looking for adopters. Louis had consulted Simon and he had done a little a research. He said it was fine if we all agreed, and of course we did. We visited the adoption centre and said we wanted a girl around 15 years old who was sporty and who would be ok coming on tour. The woman had told us about an amazingly sporty girl who had been in care since she was five and loved our music. We hadn't seen her yet, and were so looking forward to it today.

"You excited?" Liam asked, plopping himself down on the couch next to me.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see her. What do you think she'll be like?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure, I've never been in a care home before. I'm glad she's sporty though. She'll make up the numbers for a footy game," Liam chuckled.

"If she plays football. By sporty they might have meant she does ballet and netball," I said, causing him to laugh.

"What about if she's a good singer? And a dancer? We could get her to be a backing dancer, give her something to do," Liam suggested.

I dint have time to answer before the other boys came barging into the room.

"You ready guys? I wanna go!" Louis squealed.

"Yes! Let's go!" I shouted, leading us out to my range rover.


The home was huge. It was what looked like an old Victorian building, with big patterned windows. There was a small garden on the front, protected by a fence. An older boy was pushing a boy on the swings, and the little one came dashing over to us.

"Hello, are you the people who's coming to adopt Kate?" the little boy said rather abruptly.

"Yes," I said.

"I'm Isaac, I'm 5. And that's Dan. He's 15," Isaac said, pointing to the boy who looked frighteningly like Niall. "He looks like you."

He pointed straight at Niall, making all of us laugh. I was surprised how well the boy could talk for his age. He told us a few more things before the older lad, Dan, came wandering over to us.

"Can we help you?" he asked harshly.

"Err... We're here to see Kate," Liam stuttered.

"Oh, so you're the celebs who are adopting her."

There was something a little weird about his tone that made me feel slightly frightened by his presence. Zayn however, was practically fearless and was just about to say something, but a tall, slender woman came walking out of the front door.

"Hello, I'm Sam," she smiled sweetly. "Dan, please take Isaac round the back please, and if you boys would like to follow me."

Dan gave us a evil smirk and dragged Isaac around through a gate. He hugged Louis quickly before waving lightly with his tiny little hands. We all awed and Sam shook her head.

"Looks like Isaac has a soft spot for you Louis," she said. "You know, he's from Doncaster like you. Come to think of it he looks like you as well."

"Really! Errr... I didn't think he looked like me. Why is here then, if he's from Doncaster?"

"His mum had a one-night stand when she was 16. She fell pregnant and couldn't face the father ever again so she moved down to London. She couldn't cope and committed suicide when Isaac was 9 weeks old and we've had him ever since," Sam sighed.

Louis went grey suddenly. I patted him on the shoulder, and he eventually returned to his normal colour. There was a large bang. Sam escorted us into the hallway and told us to wait there while she sorted it out. As soon as she had gone, three rather attractive girls came sprinting down the stairs. They stopped in front of us.

"Hi, I'm Olivia and this is Freya and Gracie," the girl rushed. "I don't have much time to talk because if Sam catches me talking to you she'll have a right fit so here goes. We're Kate's best mates. She's outside playing footy with Dan so we thought we'd tell you a little more about her before she comes back in."

"Wow, you can talk fast," Niall said.

"I know, she's a maniac," the girl called Freya said.

"Anyway," Olivia glared at her friends. "Kate's really sporty. She plays football, cricket, rounders, tennis, badminton, netball, athletics and some other stuff. She's obsessed with staying fit and will only eat one unhealthy meal once a week. She goes to the gym 4times a week and she has a six pack. She's really sensitive though, and she cannot, under any circumstances watch any movies like Die Hard or any other film like that because of her past. She's an amazing singer, actress and dancer, and she's just got all a*'s apart from one a in her GCSEs and when she's older she wants to be an Olympian. Gotta go! Sam's coming! Bye fitties!" She said before running back upstairs.

"Sorry about her!" Gracie yelled, chasing after her.

We stood in silence for a while, trying to process what had just happened. Zayn broke the silence.

"She almost sounds too good to be true."

"Tell me about it."

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