Chapter 5

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/////ZAYN'S P.O.V\\\\\


Harry carried Kate all the way home on his shoulder, we laughed as she turned to face us, placing her head in her hands.

"Come on then. If you're gonna be my new foster family I wanna know which one of you is my mum, my brother, my sister," she said.

"You forgot dad," I told her.

She sunk her head down into Harry's back and we could here her sniffing slightly.

"I don't want a dad," she mumbled.

"Ok," I said lightly, looking at Niall for support. "Who do you want to be who?"

She looked up again, a thoughtful look on her face.

"Well, no offence Louis but I think you're the most feminine so you can be my mum," she said.

"No problem. I'm a ballerina," Louis said, doing a little twirl.

"Actually, who's the best cook?"

"Harry," we all said in unison.

"Harry, you're gonna be my brother cos my oldest brother was a chef," she told him.

"K sis," he chuckled.

"Niall, you remind me of my baby brother, Matty, so that's what you'll be," she continued. "Liam, you remind me of my Grandpa because you're so clever."

She turned to me and looked for a moment. I could tell she didn't quite know what to put me as. She gulped.

"You er... Remind me of my sister. She was rebellious at times but she always protected me when anything happened."

A tear slid down her cheek as she bit her lip.

"Harry out me down please," she asked. He obeyed.

He placed her down on the floor and, as soon as her feet touched the floor, ran down the road towards the home. We all chased after her, even though we knew we would never be able to catch her. We arrived out of breath at the home.

"What happened?" Sam asked as we arrived.

"Can we tell you inside?"


"And then she just came running back," Liam finished, sipping his tea.

"Oh my god. She needed to forget," Sam said.

"About what?" I asked curiously.

Sam sighed. "Do you really want to know?"

"Yes," Harry said abruptly.

"Ok, so when Kate was younger she lived in a very small house but she had 8 brothers and one sister. She lived with 11 other people if you also include her parents. She was 2nd from being the youngest. She had a brother, Sean, who was a chef. He was the oldest at 21 years old. He still lived with the rest of the family though, because he had to."

"Why?" I asked.

"Her dad used to beat the mother, hard. He would go out drinking and then come back and hurt the mother. Sean would go to the gym every day to try and build up his muscles so he could protect them. When Kate's dad used to come home, she would be protected by her sister, Michelle, who was 16 and the second oldest. Michelle never went out like she should have done with her friends. She stayed and protected everyone. Her kindness lead to a tragedy.

"One night, Kate's dad came home. He'd been drinking even worse than usual and smoking drugs. As usual, all the children went running into Michelle's room while Sean tried to control his evil dad. But that night, the dad had come home with a gun. He shot Sean through the head, before shooting the mother. He then went up to the bedroom the children were in. Michelle had taken Kate to the toilet and while she was there she heard gun shots. She immediately rushed into the room but she as too late all of them were dead but the father wasn't there. She realised he had gone to look for Kate.

"The dad had gone to look in his bedroom so Michelle ran into the bathroom. She grabbed Kate's arm and ran out into the hallway, but the dad was already there. They had no escape. They hid in the bathroom, before Michelle told Kate to climb out of the window and go get help when he began firing through the door. Kate refused so Michelle threw her out of the window. Luckily Kate was unhurt and went to get help. There was one more shot and a girls scream. When the ambulance arrived Michelle was already dead. They found the dad had killed himself as well. Kate was traumatised."

We all sat in silence, shocked. Everything however started to fall into place.

"So that's why she doesn't watch any movies like Die Hard?" I said.

"Yes, and that's why she's so in love with Isaac. He reminds her of her little brother. He's the same age as she was during the event. She's very protective of him."

I sighed as Harry got up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To go see Kate."

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