Chapter 14

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/////LOUIS P.O.V\\\\\


It had been a month now since Kate had moved in with us and we were getting along perfect. She hadn't had any more panic attacks since the one when she first came, and we were really enjoying being with her.

We had been to watch her at every single football game, cricket match, gym display and all the other amazing things she did. She'd won everything, and her trophies were continuing to stack up.

It was Saturday morning. I wandered into Kate's room as it was time for her to get up and come with us to a cd signing. I walked into her room. Empty. I found that rather strange. I went into the bathroom. Empty. The gym, swimming pool, pitch. Empty.

"Do you guys know where Kate is?" I asked walking into the kitchen, figuring one of them must have let her go out.

"No," Harry said. All the boys said the same.

"You mean she isn't in the house?!" I yelled.

"Louis calm down I'm sure she's here somewhere!" Liam said.

"No she isn't! I've checked everywhere!" I told him.

"She must have got out then! We'll need to split up, look in different directions," Harry said sounding rather worried.

"Ok, I'll look east, Liam look north, Harry go south and Zayn and Niall go west," I instructed. "And take your phones!"

They all nodded and raced out of the door. We all split and began the hunt.


I'd been looking for an hour and I was shattered. I'd been everywhere on my side of town. The other boys still hadn't found her either. I was just about to give up and call the police when something caught my eye.

There was an overgrown patch of ground to my left. I could hear sighing from the other side of it. I quickly ran over to it and pulled back a giant weed. There at the other side was an old abandoned race track. There was a girl sprinting around it, her brown curls flowing in the wind. Kate.


She turned to face me, her eyes wide. She immediately grabbed her jacket as soon as she saw me and looked around for another exit, but I was blocking the only one. She tried to climb over a fence but I grabbed her hips and pulled her back down. She gave in and faced me.

"What the hell is going on!" I asked her.

"I needed to come out! I needed some air!" She said.

"Oh really? If that's the truth then why did you try to run away from me?"

"It's my business Louis and you have no right to meddle in it!"

"Oh but Kate that's where your wrong because I'm your legal guardian and therefore I do have a right to know."

She looked a little shocked at what I just said. She opened her mouth to say something but she couldn't come to say them. She walked around me and lined herself back up on the start line, hands pressed on the white line and feet spread out behind her.

"Ready... Set... Go," she whispered to herself.

She immediately started sprinting around the track, her legs carrying her quickly around the track. She reached me and stopped for two seconds. She then lined up and repeated the action she'd just done. She did this about 6 times before I grabbed her arm.


She was out of breath, panting. She looked into my eyes, and she shrugged my grip off. Something was really wrong. She was acting aggressive, scaring me slightly.

"Don't touch me."

"Kate, calm down and tell me what's wrong."

"Why should I?"

"Kate, there's something really wrong. I need to know.

"There is nothing wrong with me! Geez, why are you guys so overprotective?" She yelled.

At that moment the rest of the boys came running onto the track, their faces red. Kate's face turned to anger again. I'd texted them as soon as I'd found her.

"Oh, and I see you sent the rest of the gang out to look for me, eh?"

"What's wrong?" Liam asked.


"Kate please..."

"Back off Harry!" Kate retorted.

"We just want to help," Harry said. "We were worried."

"About what? I can take care of myself! I don't need some stupid, hormonal teens watching my back! I can cope all alone! That's what I've done all my life because I've ALWAYS been alone and no matter how well you guys think you're doing to change that you're not. I'll never get anything back that I lost! Ever!"

We stood in silence, watching this girl throw a fit in front of us. She ran over to an old rickety fence and started kicking it, the frame falling apart. She stood there, her head resting against the remainder of the fence, her fists clenched. Her breathing was heavy, stray tears falling down her cheeks.

"You don't understand. You don't understand. You don't understand," she kept muttering to herself.

She turned her back to the fence and slumped down to sit on the floor. She looked like she was in some sort of trance, her mind preoccupied. Harry and I were the first to approach her, the other boys staying back.

"Kate? Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah," she whispered, still staring blankly into space.

"Can we sit?"

She nodded and I sat on one side of her and Harry sat on the other.

"He's scarred me. He's turned me into a mentalist," she said.

"Who?" I asked.

"My dad. I'll never do anything right. I'm a waste of space just like he said. I'm all alone, a scruff, useless, ugly, fat, disgrace, no one will ever love me," she said.

"That's not true Kate," Harry said. "You're amazing."

She chuckled blankly. "You know, I've tried so hard to get my life back on track. I've done well at school, stayed healthy, always tried my best to behave. And do you know what always happens? That guy up in the sky always knocks me down. Sometimes I wonder what's the point? If all I have to show in life is a few tacky trophies and a grade on a sheet of paper. I lost everything. Ad now I'll lose this."

She gestured towards us and broke down in tears. I held her head into my chest and stroked her hair.

"You're not going to lose us."

"That's what they all said, but I'm gone within 2 months. Back to my shitty life in the home. Alone again."

"Yeah, well this time we mean it," Harry said. "We took on the responsibility of you knowing your background and we wouldn't have adopted you if we didn't accept that."

"This is your life now Kate, and I promise that things will get better from now," I said. She pulled away from me.

"Really? You promise?" she asked.

"We promise."

I locked my pinky finger with hers. She smiled at me, and the other boys walked over, realising everything was ok.

"Everything alright over here now?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah. We're fine."

"Good, because I've cancelled the cd signing and we're going to NANOS!" Niall shouted.

"You see. This is why I love you guys," Kate said, and we all engulfed her in a giant hug.

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