Chapter 11

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/////KATE'S P.O.V\\\\\


I was woken up by my monthly cycle. I sighed and looked at my alarm clock. 01:04. I rubbed my eyes lightly, slipping on my slippers and carefully opened my door. I tip-toed down the hall and into my bathroom. I grabbed a pad out of the cupboard and replaced it with the bloody one.

I crept back down the landing and back into my room. I was just about to get back into bed when something snapped in my mind. I'd had another nightmare, and i didn't want to have another. For some reason, exercise always made me feel better. Harry had given me the code to the gym and said I could use it any time, and it was any time.

I slipped into the walk-in-wardrobe and pulled on some shorts and a blue sports vest which went just to the middle of my ribs. I quickly leant out of my door and checked no-one was there, before climbing down two flights of stairs and into the basement. The door to the gym had its padlock on, and I quickly typed in the key. I swung the door open and glanced around the room. Harry had already shown me the gym, but it still astounded me when I looked at it.

I fumbled with the light switch on the wall and the room was lit up. I scanned the room and saw the chin-up bar and walked over to it. With my back to the door, I placed my hand firmly on the bar, completing my first one. I remember when Olivia tired to do it she only did half of one. I could do 250 in one set.

My muscles retracted as I let myself down, before they strengthened as I lifted myself back up. To me, chin-ups were a doddle. Usually when I had a nightmare, I would go over to my punch bag and take all my anger out on it, but tonight I needed to do something relaxing. I'd got up to 56 when I heard a voice behind me.


The voice surprised me and I fell to the floor, mid chin up. I hit my head on the bench press.

"Ow," I said, rubbing the back of my head.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Kate!"

I recognised the deep, husky voice. Harry knelt down beside me, the only thing adorning him a pair of black boxers. Don't look at the abs Kate, don't look at the... Too late.

"Are you all right?" He asked, inspecting the back of my head.

"I'm fine," I replied, standing up.

"What were you doing down here this early? I heard someone downstairs and thought it was a burglar!"

"I had a nightmare. Exercise usually helps me calm down," I told him.

"Why didn't you just come in and tell me?" he asked.

"Because I didn't want to wake you. And also, I love doing chin-ups," I gushed, Harry chuckling.

"Oh really? How may can you do in a set?"

"250," I stated. Harry's moth dropped.

"You serious? I can only do 100," he said.

I laughed. He blushed, telling me it wasn't funny. I made a few jokes about him not being a man, and his face turned stern.

"You know Kate. I am legally your foster parent. I can revoke privileges," he said, but he couldn't hide the smirk on his face.

"Harry, you are terrible at trying to be serious. And even you were good at being an adult, I wouldn't listen to you because you look like a stripper."

I eyed him up at down, and he looked at himself. He blushed, obviously forgetting he was in boxers. He then looked at me.

"You can talk. In your sports bra and your shorts."

"I have have you know that this is a professional running outfit, much similar to the one Jessica Ennis wore at the Olympic Games."

"You really do love your sport don't you."

"Yeah. It's the one thing that keeps me going."

Harry smiled at me. I knew that we only met yesterday but I could tell he cared about me, as did the other boys. He held his hand out for me and I looked at him confused.

"Come on. You need to get some sleep."

"Why?" I moaned like I was 5.

"Because we're going to the recording studio tomorrow and we have to be there by 10."

"Ok fine," I groaned taking his hand.

We angered up the stairs and Harry led me into my room. He stayed until I was asleep lightly singing to me. I felt myself drifting off, and eventually I fell into unconsciousness...

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