My Call

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"Kate, wake up."

I groaned, pulling the covers over my head. Olivia, 15, shook me again.

"Kate! Today's the day! You're gonna get that call!"

I immediately sat up. Olivia smiled, realising her plan had worked. At that very moment, two of the other care kids, Freya, 14 and Gracie, 15, came running in.

"You're gonna get the call Kate!" Gracie exclaimed, clapping her hands.

"I can't believe that a famous celebrity is coming round! And they want to see you!" Freya screamed.

"Keep your voices down and I know! I'm so excited!"

I leapt out of bed, causing all the girls to yell in excitement. Olivia ran over to my wardrobe, sifting through the clothes.

"Right so they're calling you to confirm in an hour and then, hopefully, they'll come over," Olivia squealed.

"Yeah, we gotta make you look real good if they're gonna think of adopting you!" Gracie added.

Eventually, after what seemed like forever of sifting through clothes, Olivia pulled out a red Paul's Boutique blazer with a white tank top. She slipped me on some denim skinny jeans before pottering about with make up. Gracie was curling my hair while Freya was sat on my bed clutching my phone. Ryan, 8, came bounding into my bedroom, followed by Daniel.

"Heeeyyya! Sam says breakfast is ready!" Ryan shouted jumping on my bed.

"Get lost Ryan! We're coming down in a bit!" Freya said, shoving her brother away.

"Hey girls," Daniel said.

Daniel was the same age as us, 15. He was dreamy. He had blonde hair which was always quiffed and, his blue eyes seemed to stare right into your soul. I spun around and stood up, twirling.

"What do ya think?" I asked cheekily.

"You look amazing Kate. Like a princess," he said smiling.

We stood in silence for a minute, Daniel not taking his eyes of me. It was broken by the sound of Ryan's whining voice.

"Dan, I'm hungry. Will you come downstairs with me? Isaac, Lily, Henery, Jack, Debbie and Leo are already down!"

Daniel nodded before lifting him up in the air and wandering out of the door. I was surprised Ryan could remember everyone's name in the house. We lived in care and there were 12 of us. Isaac, 5, Lily, 9, Henery, 12, Jack, 11, Debbie, 13, Leo, 5 and the rest of us. We were all a big happy family. In your dreams!

"Right! We're done!" Gracie said, sliding a grip in my hair.

"Wow!" I gasped looking in the mirror. "I look amazing!"

"I know! You'll get snapped up like that!" Olivia said.

All three of us leapt up, jumping around as if we were 4 years old. We were interrupted when Freya leapt up from the bed.

"IT'S RINGING!" she screamed.

I grabbed the phone off her and sat on the floor. The girls sat down next to me eagerly. I put the and phone on speaker and pressed the answer key.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Hello? Is this Kate Dennison?" a raspy voice said down the line.

"Yes, speaking."

A few cheers erupted from the other end of the line.

"We've been calling all different numbers for ages but they were all wrong," the man spoke again.

"Hahaha, I do that all the time," I said.

"Yeah she does!" Olivia chipped in, causing Freya and Gracie to laugh.

"Errr... Who was that?"

"Oh sorry they're just my idiot friends," I told him, punching Olivia's arm. She yelped a little.

"Ok... Anyway, would it be alright if we came over in about an hour?"

I turned the speaker phone off and stood up. "Yes! Totally! But first, who are you?"

"I'm err... Harry Styles, and I'm coming over with the rest of my band."

"Oh... Ok. Thank you, I'll see you in an hour," I whispered, before hanging up.

"Well, who was it?" Freya asked.

I stood there, my mouth dropped open. I pointed to the poster on my wall, and the girls gasped.

"One Direction. One Direction are adopting me!"

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