Chapter 1

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"What is this place..?"

The boy had asked in a mumble like tone to himself. There wasn't anyone to hear him anyways, so it wasn't like it really mattered. He had been kicked out of his home and sent to live here with part of his family he hadn't even heard of.

He was standing in front of a big old gate with a bag on his shoulder and a suit case near his leg. This boy was very cute; or as some people liked to say. Even at the age of eighteen, he was short for his age and looked younger then he was. Only standing at five feet tall. His bright sky blue colored eyes shimmering as he looked up at the large, almost mansion like, building. The thing that was most extraordinary about him, was his small form. Even at 18, he looked small for his age and he was called cute all the time. He would get cold too easily and didn't fit in a lot of clothes.

His eyes were a different story. They were a very bright blue. They were amazingly blue. That wasn't the problem however. The real problem was the fact that no one in his entire family had blue eyes. Especially not ones as bright as the ones he had. His family had green eyes or brown eyes, but never blue.

"Family.. Huh?"

With a sigh, he pushed the gates open and slung his bag over his shoulder. His suitcase trailing behind him.

His mom had died when he was very young, leaving only his father to take care of him. Finally, he reached the large doors that were blocking his entrance. It was an old style type door. It had no door bell, but a door knocker instead. So, he grabbed it and knocked it against the door two times.

No answer..

"Uh.. Hellooooo?"

He yelled a bit. Maybe they didn't know I was coming? He thought.

As he was going to try and knock again, the door slowly swung open. It was sudden, so it had caused him to gasp lowly and jump back a bit.
Once he entered, the door closed behind him. The inside was grand, with a bright, crystal chandelier hanging over the entrance hallway. Right there, was a big stair case that branched off to two sections after you reached the first landing. Right next to the staircase on both sides, there was a hallway you could go down.

"Hello? Uh.. Is there anyone here?"

He  started to walk towards a hallway. That's when he saw /him/. Who the hell is he? He thought to himself. He was laying on a small couch that was next to a big window. Going over to him, he dropped his luggage.

He had red hair and looked like he was in some type of Japanese school outfit. Except the white undershirt was more then halfway open and a red tie that was loosely tied was under it. One pant leg was rolled up a little under his knee and he appeared to be sleeping. He reached a hand out and touched the hand that laid upon his chest. Once he touched it, he pulled it away with a sharp movement.

He was stone cold.. Quickly going to his knees, he put an ear to his chest and widened his eyes. No pulse? Quickly standing up, he began dialing an ambulance.

"Damn.. What the hell?"

As he was dialing, his phone was suddenly snatched away from him.

"Ah really? Do you have to be so loud?" The man asked as he sat up with a groan.

"W-What the hell? You didn't even have a pulse!"

He was about to turn and leave, until an arm reached out and wrapped around his waist. With a small gasp, he was suddenly yanked back and pinned to the couch. That was when he got a good look at him. He was attractive, with bright green eyes. However, that didn't make him not struggle.

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