Chapter 16

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**Vic's POV**
(idk why but I guess his pov adds to the drama?)

"Vic? Vic where are you?" The voice kept asking, as it slowly became louder.

I tried to respond, I tried to say something, but all that seemed to leave my lips was a desperate whine as I scrambled to the edge of the bathtub in an attempt to hoist myself up.

If my mother saw me like this, she'd had me locked up all over again for sure. But I just couldn't help it. I felt so lost and completely out of it. No one could see me like this, though. Not my mother, not that stupid maid and definitely not—

That's when it hit me. That's when my brain had finally registered whom the voice belonged to. It was Kellianne! But how?

"Oh my god, Vic!"

I finally looked up to meet her face. There was honest to god shock and worry written all over her beautiful face. It made my stomach churn. Her of all people did not have to see me like this.

I stared at her, the room spinning all over again. Maybe it never stopped in the first place, but whatever. I couldn't focus on much of anything but the burning sensation in my throat. I breathed slowly through my nose, trying to keep myself together.

Don't throw up, Vic. Not while she's standing there. Don't do it.

"Vic, what the hell did you do?!" She then barked at me, sounding a little angry. I understood her anger, though. I had promised her that I was getting better. But I guess that was a lie.

She kept her distance, and somehow it made my heart break. Every little thing that happened I somehow felt so intensely. I just wanted her to hold me. Why didn't she hold me?

Fuck, probably because I looked and smelled like total shit. Let's not forget the fact that I hadn't washed my mouth since I just threw up. And the room just kept spinning, making my stomach extra uneasy.

No- don't think about throwing up.

Eventually I seemed to get my nausea under control. Everything was going so slow though. And I felt terrible. I just wanted it all to be over. I mean- was she even really here, or was I just imagining things?

I wasn't planning on killing myself. I really wasn't. I just didn't want to feel for a while. But now I was wondering if maybe it had been better if I did.

That thought almost had me crying. Almost? No, it did have me crying. I could feel the warm wetness rolling down my cheeks, sobs starting to escape from my throat like that of a child left alone in the street.

But that's when she finally reacted. She took a single big step towards me and wrapped me up into her warm, loving arms. "Shit, Vic, I'm so sorry." She almost choked on her own words, and I felt bad. I should be the sorry one- it was always me.

"Kell." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her small waist. My voice was hoarse and barely audible, but it didn't even matter. She was really here, and I did not want to let go. I held onto her and took in her scent, nothing in this world smelled as good as she did. I didn't care how creepy that sounded.

"Hey guys, you gotta hurry up." My old friend Jaime then said, suddenly popping into the bathroom with us. "The maid is still walking the dog but she could be back any minute now."

Kellianne pulled away from me a little and gave Jaime a quick nod before turning back to me.

"Pl-please don't leave me again." I sounded desperate and pathetic, but I knew that if she'd leave this time, it would be the end of me.

But then she smiled, and I wasn't expecting it. "I am leaving, but you're leaving with me, Vic. And then we're gonna make you better- for good, okay?"

Not waiting for my response, she then leaned in on her toes and planted a soft kiss on my forehead, through the awful greasy lock of hair that was sticking to my face. I wondered how she wasn't disgusted by me at that point. With all my scars, my figure, my smell and the overall pathetic state that I was in... how was she not disgusted?

"Let's go." She then said with a gentle smile as she grabbed a hold on my hand.

I couldn't walk, though. My legs wouldn't let me. Everything was still spinning around me and though at the moment I had it under control, I still felt like I could throw up any second.

It was only then that I noticed how everything was getting a little blurry. Kellianne's lips moved, but I couldn't hear her anymore. All I heard was a high-pitched noise ringing through my ears. And that's when I did it again- I threw up.

There wasn't anything left in my stomach to throw up, but still it happened. And it felt so much worse than the first time. The ringing in my ears was amplified and the headache that started setting in was killing me. I didn't remember what happened from that point on, because everything went black before my eyes.

**Kellianne's POV**

"Nana are you sure we don't need to take him to the hospital?" I asked worriedly, not taking my eyes off Vic as he lay on her couch.

After he had passed out in the bathroom, Jaime and I picked him up and took him out of the house. Thankfully Jaime had a car, so we drove straight over here. I told nana that I wanted to take him to a doctor, but she said that it wasn't necessary. I personally wasn't so sure, though.

Jaime paced around the room while I sat beside Vic on the edge of the saloon table. Nana then came walking into the living room with a bucket of warm water, a cloth and a pitcher with some funny looking liquid in it.

"Just let the boy sleep for a little bit and when he wakes up, make him drink this." She said as she put the pitcher beside me on the table. As soon as I smelled it, I cringed. But I knew what it was- nana's secret hangover cure.

"Shit, I have to go back." Jaime then suddenly remembered, his eyes widening. "Will you tell me how he is? God I hope they don't find out I was part of this."

I nodded and smiled a little. "I'll let you know." I simply told him, before he then nodded in response and left.

I turned back to Vic. He wasn't moving a single inch on that couch, apart from his chest slowly rising and falling. And I prayed to god that nana was right and that he'd be okay. He better be okay.

Product of Disasterology (Vic Fuentes) ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt