Chapter 11

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I know I was supposed to update yesterday, but things didn't go as planned... anyway, here you go! prepare to probably hate me...


**Vic's POV**

I pulled Kellianne towards me and firmly connected my lips with hers. I basically gave it my all in that very moment, but she didn't know why. She would never know why.

A few tears escaped the corners of my eyes as I kissed her almost desperately, and I felt her gently wiping them away with her thumbs. A sense of guilt washed over me momentarily, but I quickly pushed it away. I couldn't let guilt stop me now.

I moved my hands downward along her sides, subtly sliding my hands into the pockets of her dress. It had to be here somewhere. She always kept it with her.

As gently as I could, praying that she wouldn't notice, I blindly searched her pockets with my fingers, until I finally felt it. And just as I had clutched my fingers around the key, she pulled away.

She smiled at me, but I saw that her smile wasn't real. It wasn't convincing. "I'll be back later, I promise." She spoke before leaving in a hurry.

She closed the door behind her, not remembering to lock it, like she usually would. I hadn't given her the time to. Which was how I knew that my plan was working.

I held my hand up in front of me and stared blankly at the skeleton key in the palm of my hand. It may have seemed like a spur of the moment thing, but I had this planned all along.

Kellianne thought that she was helping me to get better. She tried so hard. And to an extent, she did help. But she could never fully help me, no one could. Because to everyone who was even willing to help me in the first place, I was just a project.

I was just one of those really difficult puzzles of like 5000 crazy pieces that took forever to be put together. And once you finished it, you throw it back into the box and never take a second glance at it. That's what I was. Just a dull puzzle.

A puzzle with missing pieces, broken pieces, and pieces that looked so alike that it made you want to just throw it away and never look at it again- which was what my parents did.

I was doing the world a favor with this, to be honest.

And Kellianne... she said that she would be sad. But she would get over it. This was going to be harder for me than it was for her. Because she could never have felt the same way about me as I felt about her.

The way she smiled, made me want to smile too, just for her.

The way she seemed to worry about me when I didn't eat, made me want to eat, just for her.

And the way she talked to me, made me want to talk to her forever, even just to tell her everything that she wanted to know, no matter the subject.

I had fallen so deeply in love with her that it hurt. But she would never know. Because I knew that she could never feel the same way. I was just a project.

I was just a stupid, depressed, suicidal rich boy. Rejected by his parents. Abandoned by his friends. Looked down upon by his peers. And pitied by the one person that he loved.

I took a deep breath and made my way to my dresser to put on a pair of tracksuit pants. I had no shoes or socks, but it didn't matter. It wasn't like I would really need them much longer anyway.

No note was needed; everyone knew that this was bound to happen at some point. So I used the skeleton key to open the doors to the balcony and walked out.

I didn't 'take a moment' to enjoy the outside world, because I didn't really care. Its beauty simply didn't matter anymore.

I then dropped the key to the ground, no longer having any use for it, and climbed over the edge of the balcony, using the vines that grew on the side of the house to make my way down. The room was on the third floor, so it wasn't that high.

Once my feet hit the gravel, I faced the window into the dining area, which I knew my parents often used for meetings. My heart almost stopped when I saw all of the people that were in there, so I quickly jumped out of sight.

I was pretty certain that no one had seen me, though, so I carefully looked back inside, spotting Kellianne serving drinks to the guests.

I sighed, brushing my fingertips over the glass. "I'm sorry." I whispered silently before turning away. I could feel tears welling up, but I quickly shut my eyes and fought them back with everything I had.

Then I just started running. I ran and I ran. I knew exactly where I was going. I knew exactly what I was doing. I had made up my mind.

This was the day that Vic Fuentes was going to die.

And everyone would be happy.

**Kellianne's POV**

The meeting that miss Vivian and Victor senior had with their business partners took forever. I mean, in reality, it really hadn't been that long, but that was just the way that it felt to me.

This meeting honestly could not have come at a worse time either.

Well, I suppose it could... but still. I wanted to go back to Vic. The way he had kissed me before I left, it kind of worried me. Sure I was always worried, but something just felt wrong.

Maybe I had been wrong for trying to get him to talk to his parents about the whole situation. Maybe I should've just left it alone. Maybe Vic was right and I just didn't get it. But all I wanted to do was to help him. His health and happiness had become so important to me.

I sighed in pure relief once Victor senior made the proposal to all go out for lunch. It was an even bigger relief when everyone agreed to the proposal as well.

And practically the minute that they all left, I already found my way up to Vic's room, not even bothering yet with cleaning up the dining area. I'd get to that later.

As I approached the door, I slid my hand into my pocket to get the key, only to find that it wasn't there. I frowned questioningly and slipped my other hand into my other pocket, thinking maybe I misplaced it...

And then it hit me; I left in such a hurry that I didn't even lock the door in the first place.

I quickened my pace and entered the room, finding that the door was indeed unlocked. As soon as I stepped inside, a gush of wind flew past me, and my eyes landed on the balcony doors that swayed lightly, telling me that they had been opened. And the worst part of it all was that Vic was no longer here.

I ran up to the balcony and looked over the railing, my eyes scanning over the land in search for Vic. But there was no sign of the brown haired boy. Not anywhere.

I could feel my heart beating rapidly in my throat, immediately thinking the worst. With how he was when I left, what else could I possibly think?

And then I the words that Vic spoke the other day finally clicked in my head...

...the view of the sunset is just beautiful from way up there. I think that would be a nice, peaceful way to end it.

...a nice, peaceful way to end it.

...end it.


Product of Disasterology (Vic Fuentes) ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora