Chapter 9

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A few days passed by and every time it became a little less painful to look at Vic. The bruises around his neck were slowly fading and he hadn't attempted anything else. So far so good, I guess.

I had become worried for him day and night now, though. Literally every minute of my days here, he was on my mind. I wanted so desperately to help him out of his depressed state. I understood now why he was the way that he was... but I wasn't sure how to help him.

He already had anxiety, then he got molested and put down by some asshole guidance counselor, then he got kicked further down into the ground by some stupid girl he dated, and then he got made fun of until it all just became too much and he tried to take his life on his own birthday.

I sighed, momentarily pausing my dusting duties and stared out of the window aimlessly. I really didn't understand how such bad things could happen to such a good person like Vic. I mean, he was so sweet, innocent, funny... and he doesn't even know it. His parents aren't bothered to get him the help he needs... but I was determined to help him in whatever way I could.

He needed something to look forward to. Some kind of hope for a positive future. Which was how I ended up with the following idea.

"A fucket list?" Vic asked incredulously. I simply nodded. "Don't you mean a bucket list?"

I giggled as I plumped myself down next to him on his bed. "Nope, because that guy dies and it's really depressing. You are going to make a fucket list. Then the day I drag your cute ass out of here, we're going to do everything on that list. Every single thing. In one day." I explained excitedly.

Vic let out a halfhearted chuckle as he stared down at the piece of paper I had just given him to write on. "I don't know..." He mumbled with a deep sigh.

I wrapped my arm around him and shook him lightly in encouragement. "Oh come on, I'm sure there's things you'd want to do! It can be anything!" He then sighed again and quickly snatched the pen from my fingers, making me smile in victory as he began to write.

Every single time, before he wrote something down, I caught him biting his lip in concentration. I'd be lying if I said that it didn't look really hot, but I quickly pushed that thought away and looked down at the piece of paper.

"Piss off Mike by dying his underwear bright pink?" I read out loud, starting to snort as I neared the end of the sentence.

Vic chuckled lightly. "Always wanted to do that." He admitted with a mischievous grin. "No particular reason, it just seems fun."

I nodded and laughed softly at his silliness. "Alright, well that's a good start. What else do you have?" I then asked.

I read a few more things, which were quite simple ones like taking a walk through the park, have lunch at iHOP, attend a football game... it was all fairly innocent until my eyes fell down to a specific one that was underlined twice.

"Bash up Mr. Lawson's car?" I spoke out loud. "Who is Mr. Lawson?"

"Guidance counselor." Vic muttered bitterly.

I couldn't help but to laugh a little. It wasn't exactly a laughing matter, but imagining Vic swinging a bat into the guy's car was an amusing idea. "Getting a little rebellious, are we?" I teased as I nudged him lightly, my arm still around his shoulder. "You should definitely do that one."

A small smile formed on Vic's lips, but faded as soon as I curiously asked him what was next on the list. He was about to scrunch it up, but I managed to snatch it from his fingers and let my eyes trail down to the ideas that I hadn't read yet.

"Kiss this really pretty girl and ask her to be my girlfriend." I read out loud, awing immediately when I finished it. "That is so cute!" I then squealed. "Got anyone in mind?"

Vic's eyes shot towards me, his cheeks going a little red as he stared at me with wide eyes. "I um- I thought, well- you?"

That sounded more like a question than an answer. Wait a second... "Wha—" I began to speak, but before I could even ask if he was being serious, I was cut off by Vic's lips connecting with mine, firmly enough to shut me up.

I felt my cheeks burning up as I stared at Vic, wide-eyed, while his were closed. He pressed his lips a little harder against mine, causing my stomach to do these weird backflips. Eventually though, I leaned in, melting into the kiss as I finally admitted to myself that I was enjoying it. But then Vic already pulled away again.

"I-I'm so-so sorry." He blurted out, stumbling over his words.

I smiled, still blushing lightly. "It's okay, that was nice." I told him honestly.

A hopeful smile then spread across his face, for once reaching all the way up to his eyes. He looked genuinely happy for a moment, and honestly that made me happy too.

"So um, how would you want to end your fucket list?" I decided to ask, breaking the awkward silence between us.

Vic then frowned thoughtfully before looking down at the piece of paper again. "Do you know that big bridge that leads across the water, to the other side of town?" He asked.

I nodded slowly. Of course I knew that bridge. That bridge was the only thing connecting the rich side of town to the side where I came from and grew up in. It was huge and it reminded me of the ending of a rollercoaster track. Naturally, I had to cross it in order to come up here.

"Well I know for a fact that the view of the sunset is just beautiful from way up there. I think that would be a nice, peaceful way to end it." He told me, oddly with less emotion than I expected, but I didn't think much of it.

I smiled as I thought about the sunset. I loved sunsets. To me they meant that it was time for the world to go to sleep, so you could dream about the new chances of tomorrow.

"Yeah that sounds nice." 

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